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Deep Knowledge About Objective Resolution

Objective resolution refers to the ideas and principles that were postulated by Jawaharlal Nehru, based on which the constitution was to be framed by the assembly.

It was in 1946, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru proposed the objective resolution that gives the basic principles and guidelines that further lays down the building block of the philosophies associated with the constitution of India. The resolution guided the members of the assembly regarding the pathway and ethical principles that were to be adhered to while framing our constitution. The resolution was further accepted by committees who were responsible for the framing of our constitution and thus we have our eminent constitution that outlines various laws and regulations that guide the citizens of our country.

Objective resolution

In December 1946, the objective resolution was first proposed by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, which guided the basic principles of the constitution and later on became the preamble of the nation. The objective resolution was framed by Jawaharlal Nehru and it was accepted by the Constituent Assembly on 22nd January 1947. The resolution stated that the Indian citizens should be assured of justice, equality and freedom. The objective resolution stated that India is a sovereign state independent of any external rulers. The resolution also noted that adequate safeguards would be provided to the minority groups present in Indian society. The resolution is the building block upon which the consideration is formed adhering to the sentiments of people and the cultural significance of a particular society.

Objective resolution in India: Discussion

The objective resolution of India was penned down by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru in 1946, which states the guidelines that were to be followed by the members of the assembly while framing the constitution of India. Objective resolution in India as laid down was thoroughly considerate of the sentiments of the people across the various communities living in our country. The Indian Constitution is vast and it deals with various laws and regulations that are to be followed by the people of this country while thinking of the people and the communities. 

The resolution spoke of the laws that are to be adhered to while propagating a sense of justice, equality and freedom to the people residing in the country. The principles of the results were associated with the moral values and principles that one citizen needs to abide by throughout their course of life.  It is essential that an individual incorporate values of humanity in their lives while interacting with other people in our country. 

It is this resolution that guides the basic framework of our constitution, considering several ethical norms associated with communities based on religions and minorities. The resolution also mentions the requirements that need to be amended while considering the values and ethics of the minority groups in India. The resolution stated the territorial integrity and sovereignty and independent governance of India and the people residing within the country. The resolution also stated that India should promise and propagate world peace and contribute wilfully towards the welfare of humankind in the country and across the world.

Objective Resolution by Nehru

The objective resolution of India was laid down by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. It states the various guidelines that were to be amended by the assembly while framing the constitution of India. The resolution was composed of several guidelines that outlined the policies of the governance of the country. 

  • Independent India shall be a republic in its core values.
  • It shall be ensured to the people that they are guaranteed social, economic and political democracy,
  • Fundamental rights shall be granted to all the citizens of India 

These were the key guidelines that were laid down by Pandit Jawaharlal along with the territorial integrity and propagation of equality among people and involvement of welfare means in a society aiming for peace and integrity among the diverse communities of our country.


The objective resolution was the basic framework of ethical values and norms that were meant to be considered while framing the constitution of India. The objective resolution was framed by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru in 1946 and was accepted by the constituent assembly in 1947. It was to be assured to the people of India that they will be provided with social, economic and political democracy and the country will propagate values of liberty, equality and fraternity. This resolution was later on postulated into the preamble of our constitution that guides the sovereign and secular nature of our country.


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Who coined the objective resolution of India?

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