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Deep Knowledge About Nation

Nation refers to the large territorial body that is associated with people who share common history, cultural heritage and language also united by common descent.

A nation is associated with a group of people within a particular territorial body. These people share a common bond of history and cultural heritage. The people of a nation are united by common descent. In general, a territorial body accumulates the people who share common history, language, ethnicity and culture. However, in recent times it is rare to find such a homogenous nature in a nation since the advent of globalization and the intermingling of several communities of people due to migration. In modern terms, nations are still referred to as the community of people with a shared form of identity, whether from heritage or adapted. 

Nation: discussion

It is essential to understand the key features of nations that separate them from a country.

  • Nation refers to the culturally associated group of people with a shared cultural identity and territorial links.
  • The term nation can be associated with a society in which the people, although they share bonds seemingly form a unit together but the bond is thoroughly impersonal. The bond is shared through a particular cultural identity
  • A nation is also associated with the people who share a linguistic bond with their distinct differences in cultural practices and association with their cultural norms.

United Nations

The United Nations is an organisation of several sovereign nations aiming toward the establishment of peace and integrity on a global scale. The purpose of this organisation is to establish cordial relations among different nations across the world and attain an efficient sense of international cooperation among each other. The United nation was founded on 25th April 1950 in San Francisco. The UN charter was formed at the conference of San Francisco by 50 participant nations, which was adopted on 25th June and came into prominence on 24th October 1945. 

The countries together came forward aiming to establish a collective approach toward several humanitarian causes.

  • The main purpose of this organisation was to propagate world peace and prevent further recurrence of wars
  • The organisation was established to maintain the peace and integrity of the nations on an international scale.
  • The UN was established to protect the human rights of people across the world.
  • The purpose of the UN is to provide humanitarian aid to people and promote sustainable development. 
  • The UN was also established to uphold international laws.

The UN initially was founded by a total of 51 Nations, currently; there are 93 participating Nations in the UN. All the participants in The UN represent sovereign states.

Reshape nation: discussion

Reshaping nations is associated with the concept of adapting methods of approach aiming toward the development and progress of nations. It includes measures associated with the progress and introduction of policies that deal with humanitarian grounds. Reshaping of the nations is done by the inclusion of policies that ensure political democracy and equality within a particular nation. 

Reshaping of a nation is carried out using policies that advocate human rights in the context of the present times. It thereby adheres to the current norms and temperament of common people that grants security to the cultural integrity of a particular region meanwhile, ensuring the constant rate of progress on par with the global standards. It is necessary to reshape a nation, acknowledge the demands and needs of the ever-evolving generation and cater to their needs to assure their progress and retain peace and stability within a particular nation.


A nation is referred to as the collective group of people residing within the boundaries of a territorial region bound by a distinct cultural identity with a shared history and culture. The nation thus represents cultural and political integrity within the particular region. A nation is governed by a government that deals with the cultural identity and the norms associated with the citizens within a particular region. The people within a particular nation in general share a common language and ethnic identity that binds them together and is associated with their identity. The formation of the United Nations helped in the establishment of a common organisation that propagated human rights among sovereign nations across the world


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