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Concept Of National Integration

Are you willing to understand the concept of national integration? Then this article is for you. Learn about more such concepts as the role of different factors in national integration in India, the significance of national integration, etc.

National Integration

India is a diverse nation. Citizens belonging to distinctive cultures reside within India. India has various languages, cultures, religions, caste, races, etc. Different individuals practice different kinds of religious practices.

National Integration refers to the awareness of a common identity among Indian citizens. The citizens identify the fact that even if they belong to different religions or cultures, they are still one. National integration occurs through behaviour as well as the determination of the citizens. It is the fundamental duty of every citizen to oppose the factors or issues that become a hindrance to a country’s unity and harmony. National integration is defined as the sense of identity among the nation’s citizens. National integration tends to bind the citizens of a nation into one entity.

Role of distinctive factors in national integration in India

  1. Role of education 

Education plays a vital role in developing national integration in India. The level of education has been excellent before independence and after independence. Moreover, students migrate to different parts of the country to pursue education. This creates a sense of unity among young students who give less attention to the geographical location, castes as well as religious beliefs. 

  1. Role of Media/Press/Multinational companies 

Press has played a vital role in national integration. The press and media have a massive role in setting up national integration. The press and media have bound citizens as one by displaying incidents and happenings taking place within the nation. Along with this, services such as State Bank of India, Doordarshan, Postal services, All India Radio, etc., are considered vital tools for promoting harmony and strengthening the idea of a unified nation in the minds of citizens. 

  1. Role of Cinema, literature, and sports

Hindi movies have resulted in promoting nationalism and secularism among the citizens. Scriptwriters who were aware of national integration created movies based on nationalism that significantly impacted individuals. Cinema is an excellent tool for entertainment that has resulted in the formation of national integration. As a result, the majority of the population is inclined towards cinema. This has helped in increasing awareness about national identity. 

Significance of national integration 

National integration refers to a bond of togetherness among citizens irrespective of their gender, caste, religion, language, etc. National integration is a feeling of oneness and brotherhood within a country where several diversities exist. 

National Integration is significant as it keeps the whole country strong despite the differences in culture and livelihood. India is a diversified nation having people belonging to different cultures. National integration helps in keeping the country stable as well as developed. National integration enhances the emotions of loyalty towards a nation and aims at unifying citizens. National integration abolishes the barriers of culture and promotes oneness. 

National Integration is very much required to keep a country strong. There is a strong need to preserve the national integrity of the nation. National integration provides equal opportunities to every individual. National integration plays a significant role in making a country one. National integration helps minority communities to receive equal benefits.


National Integration refers to the awareness of oneness and brotherhood. National integration plays an essential role in establishing unity and harmony among citizens. National integration is vital for a nation to achieve growth and success. National integration is the process of putting the idea of a unified nation in the minds of individuals. National integration is a very important concept to provide equal opportunities to everyone. India is a diverse nation having citizens belonging to different religions and cultures. Therefore, national integration can bind each individual into one entity. Factors like education, literature, sports, cinema, multinational companies, etc., play a very important role in binding the nation as one. National integration is a required factor in every nation.


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