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All About the Powers and Functions of the Cabinet

The Cabinet and the executive powers exercised by the Cabinet are among the most critical topics in the polity. The article will discuss the executive powers exercised by the Cabinet and formulate the internal and external policies, so be with the article till the end.

The Cabinet is the top guiding authority, the policy magnet, that coordinates and supervises the whole executive administration of the Union, as well as integrates and leads the activity of Parliament. 

A legislative system based on the British model is in place in India, but the Cabinet in India undertakes tasks that the British Cabinet would not dare to take on. For example, article 123 of the Constitution permits the President to issue Ordinances that have the same power and effect as an Act of Parliament.

Ordinances of this nature are issued and proclaimed on the recommendation of the Cabinet and with the authority of the President. As defined in Article 19, Fundamental Rights may be suspended when a Proclamation of Emergency is in effect, and the decision to declare Emergency and suspend Fundamental Rights, as defined in the Presidential Order, including their enforcement, is made by the Cabinet, not the Prime Minister alone.

Cabinet Committees

The Cabinet currently conducts its business through committees. An unwieldy Council of Ministers could not deal with the detailed company. As a result, committees were created to expedite the completion of work. The Committees of Great Importance are the Appointments Committee, the Foreign Affairs Committee, the Joint Planning Committee, the Defence Committee, the Economic Affairs Committee, and the Legislative Committee.

They are made up of Cabinet members who are highly significant. As a result, the Cabinet has been relegated to the role of a ratifying body. “The Cabinet has become a mere recording and registration office of the decisions already arrived at by committees,” Dr. Ambedkar said. They do their business behind an iron curtain.”

The Cabinet as a Coordinator

There are many executive powers exercised by the Cabinet, and one of them is the coordination between the people and the Prime Minister. The Cabinet’s primary job is to coordinate and steer the work of the various Ministries and Departments of Government. The Cabi­net’s emergence and the heightened challenge of coordination in the framework of the Welfare State and the implementation of the Five Year Plan. The Cabinet Secre­tariat’s job has been significantly expanded due to plans.

The Power of Making Appointments

The President appoints a considerable number of people. The majority of these appointments are appointed at the suggestion of the Cabinet. Thus, key officials such as ambassadors and high commissioners, governors of states, Supreme Court and High Court judges, and members of the Union Public Service Commission are chosen by the Cabinet and appointed by the President on the Cabinet’s recommendation.

Legislative Authority

  • Bill Introduction:

In legislation, the Cabinet and administrative departments take the lead in formulating, defending, and presenting bills. The Cabinet steers over 95 percent of the measures introduced in the House. It also guides the bill through the different legislative procedures, from introduction to ultimate passage.

  • Information Obtained from:

The ministries communicate with the public through their spokespeople. They do so by responding to queries posed to them by Lok Sabha members and the secretaries of the relevant departments.

  • Amendment to the Constitution:

The Cabinet is responsible for developing and implementing the Amendment to the Constitution.

  • Summoning the Houses of Parliament:

Despite the President calling the Houses, the Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs takes the lead in summoning them.

  • President’s Special Address:

The Cabinet prepares the President’s Special Address to Parliament. Following each General Election and the start of the first session of Parliament, these legislative programmes are submitted before the first session of the Lok Sabha.

Financial Powers

  • Budget:

It is the job of the Finance Minister to create the annual budget, which includes forecasts of income and spending for the upcoming fiscal year. Even though Parliament approves the budget, no amendments may be made against the views of the Cabinet. The Cabinet has control over national finance.

  • Government Finances: 

The Cabinet must oversee the government’s expenditure, submit the need for grants, and collect sufficient revenue in different ways, including taxation.

  • Introduction of money bills:

Only the Lok Sabha can pass a money bill.

Administrative Power

There are many Administrative executive powers exercised by the Cabinet are following:

  • Policy-Making:

The Cabinet is regarded as the government’s policy-making organ. It develops the government’s external and internal policy. The Cabinet also makes decisions on defence, economic policy, security needs, industrial policy, imports, electoral changes, the establishment of new states, and the President’s control of the state. Individual ministers have reasonable flexibility of action, although they must consult the Cabinet on critical issues.

  • Implementation of Policies:

Cabinet decisions on any issue are relayed and notified to the Minister of State and the Deputy Minister of the appropriate ministries. The ministers sort out the specifics and pass them on to the public workers for the decision to be executed. This aids in managing government activity by the Council of Ministers and the civil workers involved.

  • Coordination of the Activities of Various Ministers:

Various departments are engaged in developing and implementing government policy. The Cabinet is in charge of coordinating the activities of numerous departments. Government initiatives include reducing unemployment and strengthening public health care, among other things.

Exclusive Powers

Power to Formulate the Policies:

  • Cabinet Ministers establish external and internal policies and are regarded as the government’s policy-making institution.

  • The Cabinet makes decisions on various issues, including defence, economic and industrial policy, the formation of new states, and the President’s control of the state.

  • The Cabinet’s decisions are relayed to the Deputy Minister and Minister of State, assisting cabinet ministers in collaboratively conducting the government’s business.

  • The Cabinet appoints members of the Planning Commission.

Control of the Executive:

  • Cabinet Ministers have ultimate authority over the Executives.

  • Cabinet Ministers are the true functionaries of executive authority.

  • Cabinet Ministers preside over the Ministries of the Government and carry out policies that Parliament has authorized.

Other Powers:

  • Cabinet Ministers share information with the public by responding to Lok Sabha members’ inquiries.

  • The Cabinet prepares the President’s particular address to Parliament.

  • The Cabinet Ministers are in charge of formulating and executing Constitutional Amendments.


India adheres to a quasi-federal democracy in which Prime Ministers are chosen for, by, and by the people. It is the Prime Minister’s and Cabinet Ministers’ obligation to strive for the welfare of the people and the nation. As a result, the Prime Minister and Cabinet Minister must carry out their duties and obligations with sincerity and honesty. Although there is a distinction, the phrases ‘council of ministers’ and ‘cabinet’ are sometimes used interchangeably. They differ in their makeup, functions, and duties.


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