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A Keynote on Indian Political Party

In the following article, the main key points of the functioning of the government have been mentioned which are the political parties. The article talks about how the politics in the government work? What is meant by the term part? What are the different types of parties?

The functioning of the county, India is mainly based on the Constitution of India, which was adopted after the independence of the country; the whole committee was led by Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar. As India is a democratic country and is also declared that the country is secular, the whole country is led by the country’s President and the Country’s prime minister. Follow the article to know more about the political parties of India.

Politics in India

The President is said to be the head of the state whereas the prime minister is said to be the head of the Government.

The provision that is being followed by the country of India is the bicameral legislature in the government. According to the bicameral legislature, the government has two houses that are: the upper house of the government (Rajya Sabha) also called the council of the states. And the other one is the lower house of the government, the Lok Sabha, which is also known as the House of people. It is named as such because the citizens choose their representatives who will be the members of Lok Sabha and be their voices. The elections are held every five years.

(Bicameral legislation: Bicameral legislation is a body that makes the laws for the government system, it makes the laws for the government system when the two different houses or any chambers, are constantly working with each other)

The Principles of the Political Parties in India

There are many different types of political parties, The national party or a regional or a state party should have its symbol, and it should be registered in India’s election commission, which symbols will be used to identify the political parties so that the illiterate people could decide whom to vote by the symbols of the parties.

Five principles are asserted by the commission of the country are for the Indian Political parties are:

  • The party doesn’t matter whether it is a national or a state party, they all should have a presence in legislation.
  • The legislative presence of the national party should be present in Lok Sabha, whereas the legislative presentation of the state party should be present in the state assembly.
  • If a party’s recognition has been lost, the party should not lose the symbol immediately, but the party is allowed to use its symbol for a little more time to retrieve the status back.
  • The recognition must be given on the criteria of the performance of the party in the elections, not because the party is one of the splinter groups which is of any other party which is recognized.
  • The party can set up only a candidate from its members

The Political Parties

In the election, there are different groups of people who fight against each other for the representative seats in the Lok Sabha which is called the house of the people. There are 543 seats on which the elections are held. These groups are known as the political parties. By the definition, a political party is mainly an organization that is represented by the candidates who are competing to win in the elections. The main competition amongst them is based on the difference in ideologies and the idea of development. These parties are the main part of any democratic country.

 The Types of the Political parties of India 

As it has been mentioned above there are two types of parties that are: the regional party and the National party.

The National parties are very powerful and have a greater influence on the citizens of the country. The requirement of any party to become a national party is to have at least four stars under their power, for instance, the BJP which is the current ruling party. 

Whereas in the case of regional parties, they have limited power confined under a particular region. Any become a regional political party must have secured six percent of the votes to become a recognized regional political party in the region. 


India is mainly based on the Constitution of India, which was adopted after the independence of the country; the whole committee was led by Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar. a political party that is mainly an organization that is represented by the candidates who are competing to win in the elections. The main competition amongst them is based on the difference in ideologies and the idea of development. two types of parties are the regional party and the National Party which are discussed above.


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