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Learn Everything About the Importance of Aksai Chin

The Aksai Chin region is located between India and China. China administers Aksai Chin, while India claims it as its own. Aksai Chin is a Salt Land at a High Altitude, and soda plain is another name for it. Aksai Chin is a barren, arid landscape with little or no rainfall. Since independence, India has used the Johnson Line as its official western boundary line. A government document has been issued instructing that maps of India be published in the future to reflect the new geography, which includes precise and defined boundaries. Until 1954, Aksai Chin was always designated as undemarcated, but with the publication of Memo Aksai Chin, the definite border was accepted.

China built a road linking Xinjiang and Tibet in the 1950s, and it went inland into Aksai Chin, which India claims as its own. Until China depicted the route on its map, India was unaware of the route across its borders. One explanation for this misunderstanding is that Aksai Chin is readily available from China, whereas India is not. The Indo-China war began due to China’s unjustified entry into India. According to the Indian perspective, it complies with the acknowledged macMohanline. However, the Chinese government claims that it is by the accepted macMohanline.

Aksai Chin History

China and India have a disputed border territory known as Aksai Chin. It is primarily part of Hotan County, located in the southwestern section of Hotan Prefecture in China’s Xinjiang Autonomous Region, with a tiny portion on the southeast & south sides falling into the Tibet Autonomous Region.

Part of the Tibetan Plateau, Aksai Chin, is the Soda Plain. Because the Himalayans and other mountains obstruct the precipitation from the Indian monsoon, the region is essentially deserted, with no permanent settlements and minimal rain or snow. Despite being practically barren and devoid of resources, this region serves a strategic purpose for China because it links Tibet and Xinjiang.

Aksai Chin was mainly ignored in the Indian subcontinent because of its isolation and remoteness. Still, in the 1950s, the Chinese constructed a military road across it to link Tibet and Xinjiang. One of the elements contributing to intense border confrontations between the two nations in 1962 was India’s discovery of the route and opposition to China’s presence in the region. China kept control of around 14,700 sq miles in Aksai Chin at the end of the conflict. The region remains a source of dispute between the two countries.

Where is Aksai Chin located on the map?

The territory of Aksai Chin is situated at the crossroads of the People’s Republic of China, Pakistan, and India. Although India disputes it, it is administered by China. One of the vital boundary disputes between India and China is the Aksai Chin. Aksai Chin is a salt desert at a significantly higher altitude, and soda plain is another name for Aksai Chin. The area is devoid of human settlement. Because of the Himalayas or other mountains, the region receives minimal precipitation but absorbs the Indian monsoon.

It is situated between the Chang Tang and the Tibetan plateau. It was once part of the Himalayan Province of Ladakh, but after Kashmir captured Ladakh in the 19th century, it became part of Kashmir, which was ultimately merged into British India. Its current contested status can be dated directly to the Indian-Pakistani conflict over Kashmir. The revelation of a roadway Chinese built through the region recognized by India as its territory was the main reason for the Sino-Indian war in 1962. China’s National Highway 219, which connects Tibet and Xinjiang, goes through Xinjiang, making it an important location for China.

Pakistan’s claim to Kashmir includes the Aksai Chin. The Trans-Karakoram Tract was ceded through a border agreement between the PRC and Pakistan in 1963; border agreements signed in 1987 indicate that Pakistan may recognize claims to the lands. As far as we know, no Pakistani administration has made an official claim to this region, and all governments have provided tacit consent to the PRC’s claim to it.

What is the strategic importance of Aksai Chin?

The short and violent 1962 Indo-China conflict was sparked by the highly combustible region of Aksai Chin. The war’s aftermath was a complete thaw in connections across all industries.

China poses an urgent threat to India’s sovereignty because Aksai Chin is located at a high elevation closer to Delhi. During any clashes between China and India, China can rush its army deep into India’s heartland in less than two hours. Aksai Chin is an autonomous Chinese satellite that monitors Indian operations and those throughout Central Asia.


In the above topic, we have read about the importance of the Aksai Chin. China administers the Aksai Chin region, including Hotan County in Xinjiang’s Hotan Prefecture and Rutog County in Tibet’s Ngari Prefecture. India declares it as part of the Ladakh Union Territory’s Leh District. It is located in the eastern section of Kashmir and has been a source of contention between China and India since the late 1950s. Go through the complete notes to better understand the geographical location, Indian disputes, and history of the Aksai chin.


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