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How do we convert 1 g/cm3 to kg/m3

How do we convert 1 g/cm3 to kg/m3?- Find the answer to this question and access a vast question bank that is customized for students.


The density (D or ) of a substance is the measurement of how firmly it is packed together. It is expressed as mass per unit volume. The density mathematical formula is provided by,

ρ = m/V


  • ρ is the density

  • m is the mass of the object

  • V is the volume of the object

Unit of density

According to the density equation ( ρ= m/V), mass density has any unit that is mass divided by volume. There are several units for density in use since there are many units of mass and volume encompassing many different magnitudes. The SI unit of kilogram per cubic meter (kg/m3) and the cgs unit of gram per cubic centimeter (g/cm3) are the most often used density units. 1000 kg/m3 is equivalent to 1 g/cm3. One milliliter is equal to one cubic centimeter (abbreviated cc). Other greater or smaller units of mass and volume are frequently more practical and utilized in industry.

Conversion of 1 g/cm3 to kg/m3

1 g/cm3 is equivalent to 1000 kg/cubic meter.

To convert 100 gram to kilogram, divide it by 1000, 100/1000 = 0.1 kg.

To convert any gm/cm3 amount to kg/m3, multiply it by 1000.


(1) 1 gm/cm3 = 1 x 1000 = 1000 kg/meter3

(2) 10 gm/cm3 = 10 x 1000 = 10,000 kg/meter3

This is how the conversion of 1g cm3 to kg m3 is done through the formula. You can convert this in between any units. The only thing needed is the unit of density, and all of them are mentioned above.