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What is the Full form of NCB, CBI and ED?

What is the full form of NCB, CBI and ED?- Find the answer to this question and access a vast question bank that is customized for students.

Answer: CBI – Central Bureau of Investigation

The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) is the principal investigative body of the Government of India (GOI). It is not a statutory entity; rather, it obtains its authority from an act that was passed in 1946 about the establishment of the Delhi Special Police Establishment. The prevention of corruption and the upkeep of administrative integrity are two of its primary responsibilities. In situations relating to the Prevention of Corruption Act from 1988, it operates under the direction of the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC), which serves as its supervisor.

NCB – Narcotics Control Bureau 

The NCB is India’s highest-level organization for coordination and intelligence gathering. New Delhi, in the country of India, is home to the organization’s headquarters, and its primary mission is to combat the trafficking and usage of illegal substances. In 1986, it was established following the provisions of subsection 4(3) of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act of 1985. To coordinate the activities of agents, state governments, and other connected authorities following the Customs Act of 1962, the Drugs and Cosmetics Act of 1940, and other relevant legislation.

ED- Enforcement Directorate

The Economic Division (ED) is an agency for economic intelligence that is responsible for enforcing economic laws and protecting the country from financial crimes. The Indian government’s Department of Revenue and Ministry of Finance are both responsible for it. The FEMA 1999 (Foreign Exchange Management Act) and the PMLA 2002 are two of the most important legislation that the Indian government has passed, and the primary mission of the ED is to ensure that they are followed (Money Laundering Prevention Act).

An ‘Enforcement Unit’ was established at the Department of Economic Affairs on May 1, 1956, to deal with violations of the Foreign Exchange Regulation Act of 1947. It was renamed the ‘Enforcement Directorate’ in 1957.