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Distinguish Between Bhangar and Khadar

Distinguish Between Bhangar and Khadar. Find the answer to this question and access a vast question bank customized for students.

Answer: The alluvial soil of the Greater North Indian Plains is well-known. Alluvial soil is fertile and suitable for cultivation. There are five sections to the Greater North Indian Plain. The Bhabar Plains, Tarai Tract, Bhangar Plains, and Khadar Plains are their names.
            Khadar                        Bhangar
Khadar soils are located in the valley’s low parts, at the bottom of a river that is inundated every year Bhangar soil is located in the higher parts of the river, around 30 meters above flood level
The texture of these soils is finer The texture of these soils is rougher
The khadar has a pale color and is made up of younger deposits The bhangar has a clayey composition and is made up of lime nodules or kanker
Silt, mud, clay, and sand make up the Khadar land silt It is made up of impure calcium carbonate nodules known as ‘Kankars’
In the Khadar plains, the soil is replenished every year Because of the large abundance of minerals and carbon in the soil, the soil in this area is highly rich in humus and produces a high yield