Question & Answer » Chemistry Questions » What is the Molecular Mass of Glucose Molecules (C6H12O6)

What is the Molecular Mass of Glucose Molecules (C6H12O6)

Answer: Molecular mass is defined as the sum of the masses of all atoms in a molecule. It is measured in daltons. It should be noted that distinct molecules of the identical compound might possess distinct molecular masses because of the identical isotopes of an element. To determine the elemental composition in the molecule, the molecular mass is measured using the mass spectrometry technique in the case of small or medium-size molecules. Glucose, a simple sugar, is the most abundant form of carbohydrates globally. It consists of an aldehyde group and six carbon atoms. The molecular formula for the same is C6H12O6. It is generally available as white power. The exact molecular mass of glucose is 180.156 g/mol. 

To find the molecular mass of any molecule, certain steps are to be followed. For the measurement of the molecular mass of glucose molecules, consider the atomic masses of carbon (C ), oxygen (O), and hydrogen (H). The atomic mass of carbon is 12 u. The atomic mass of oxygen is 16 u. The atomic mass of hydrogen is 1 u. These masses can easily be obtained by analyzing the periodic table. The total number of carbon atoms in the molecule is 6. The total number of oxygen atoms is 16. The total number of hydrogen atoms is 1. To obtain the total atomic weight of any atom, multiply the respective atomic mass with the total number of atoms. Add the values, and the total molecular mass of the glucose molecule will be obtained. 

Total atomic mass of carbon atoms = 12×6 = 72 u

Total atomic mass of hydrogen atoms = 1×12 = 12 u

Total atomic mass of oxygen atoms = 16×6 = 96 u

Molecular mass of glucose molecule = 72 + 12 + 96 = 180 g/mol.