Prime Number
We know that the prime numbers are the ones with only two factors, but how can we find them out? Let us learn a bit more about it.
Prime Number Definition
When a number has only two factors, that is 1 and the number itself, then it is called as a prime number. The numbers with more than two factors are called composite numbers. 1 is not considered as either.
Prime Number Formula
There are two methods to find out whether a number is prime number or not.
1st Method:
Each prime number can be written as 6n + 1 or 6n – 1 (with the exception of the products of indivisible numbers, for example 2, 3, 5, 7, 11), where n is a characteristic number an n > 3.
2nd Method:
For prime numbers > 40, the below formula is applied.
n2 + n + 41, where n = 0, 1, 2, … .., 39
In order to identify, whether a number is prime number or not, we need to find the factors of that number.
Ex 1. Find is 33 a prime number or not.
The factors of 33 are 1 and 33.
So, 33 is divisible by only 1 and 33.
Hence, 33 is a prime number.
Ex 2. Find out if 63 a prime number.
The factors for 63 are 1, 7, 9, 63.
So, we can say that it has more than two factors.
Hence, it is not a prime number.
Ex. 3. Check if 541 is a prime number.
Divide 541 by 6
The remainder is 1.
Hence 541 can be represented as
6 (n)+1
i.e. 6(90) + 1
Hence, we can deduce that 541 is a prime number.