NTA UGC NET 2023 » NTA Study Materials » Pharmaceutical Analysis » Historical Development of Pharmacognosy

Historical Development of Pharmacognosy

This article covers the history of pharmacognosy from Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, India, China, Greece, and Rome.

Pharmacognosy is considered the oldest branch of pharmaceutical sciences. It is the study and research of plants and other natural entities as probable drugs/medicines. It is related to drug entities’ physical, biochemical, biological, and chemical characteristics or potential medicines.

The use of medicinal plants dates back to the prehistoric ages. This is because the primitive man had substantial knowledge about the plant kingdom around him. Simply observing and experimenting with these plants led him to distinguish between useful and harmful plants. Back then, forests were considered pharmacies that supplied man with materials to create medicines.

Pharmacognosy in Ancient Egypt

Pharmacognosy is the early medicine of Pharaohs around 3000 B.C. Ancient Egyptians were specialists in using plants as medicine for curing various ailments and diseases. The first-ever medical prescription, the hieratic papyri, was discovered in the Egyptian tombs. Two other papyri were the Ebers papyrus (which dates back 3500 years) and the gynaecological papyrus. These contain over 400 primary substances enclosed in the Egyptian Pharmacopoeia. 

The substances in the first group are blood, milk, meat, honey, wine, etc. Substances in the second group are acacia, gum, myrrh, linseed, cumin, etc. 

Pharmacognosy in the Mesopotamian Period

Marduk Happaliden, the Babylonian king, built an entire garden for medicinal plants in 772 B.C. This garden included apples, pomegranate, oranges, onion, garlic, saffron, liquorice, thyme, and coriander.

A predominant way of applying medicinal plants was through decoctions. They were given to people right before sunrise, since decoctions were prepared at night. The medicines were made by combining plants with honey, wine, oil, or water. The medicinal formulae by the Mesopotamians include over 250 plant substances and 180 animal material sources. 

Pharmacognosy in Indian Medicine

The objective of ancient Indian medicine was to extend the human lifespan. Indian doctors had secret knowledge of vegetable medicines. They believe that fresh plants are most effective against diseases. These plants must be obtained from fertile soil and cleaned with pure water. They must be exposed to the sun and then placed in the shade. 

These materials are divided into purgative groups (cathartics and emetics) and tranquillisers. 

The most common Indian medicines were decoctions, sugar, butter, and honey as oral drugs. The most popular drug entities are clove, sandalwood, pepper, cardamom, castor oil, sesame oil, sugar, and aloes. 

Pharmacognosy in Chinese Medicine

Chinese medicine is well known all over the world. Pen Ts’ao Kang Mao was published in the year 1597. It can be considered a pharmacopoeia. This book consists of several medicinal plants and drugs made from animal sources. This incredible book consists of cures for almost all diseases. Predominant plants used in Chinese medicine are rhubarb, star-anise, aconite, and pomegranate. 

The book contains about 8,160 formulae that can be created from 1,871 raw materials. The main forms of medicines were pills, decoctions, ointments, and suppositories.

Pharmacognosy in Greece and Rome

The Greeks and Romans have treated many diseases using drugs from plants. Pythagoras, in 580 B.C., used drugs made from mustard. Hippocrates wrote a book called Corpus Hipocrstium in 480 B.C about various drugs. Aristotle’s pupil, Theophrastus, wrote about 500 medicinal plants, including Ergot, in 370 B.C.

Dioscorides explored Egypt and various countries, which helped him learn about varieties of plant drugs. With the help of his book ‘Greek Herbal of Dioscorides,’ he became the first person to describe drugs. The book contained about 5,000 medicinal plants, animals, and mineral drugs. Dioscorides is considered the first-ever pharmacist.

Modern Medicine and Pharmacognosy

Pharmacognosy is one of the most predominant arms of pharmaceuticals. Phytochemistry, phytomedicine, and phytochemical analysis are important parts of this field. Natural materials are the backbone for finding new drugs. The metabolites for drugs are extracted from various plant parts such as bark, leaves, stem, flower, etc.


Pharmacognosy is the most ancient system of medicine. The use of medicinal plants dates back to the prehistoric ages. Evidence of pharmacognosy can be found across ancient civilizations, and this knowledge helps pharmacists even today.

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