NTA UGC NET 2023 » NTA Study Materials » Chemistry » Conformational Analysis of N-Butane in Stereochemistry

Conformational Analysis of N-Butane in Stereochemistry

Conformational analysis is the examination of the various energy levels associated with different molecular conformations. Conformations are also the three-dimensional configurations that a molecule can achieve by freely spinning around its -bonds. It’s important to remember that conformations really aren’t isomers. The n-butane molecule can be configured in an infinite number of ways. 

Various structural configurations of the same molecule are referred to as conformations. C1, C2, and C3 remain static throughout this example, while C4 starts going down from upper right to bottom right. By dynamically revolving around the C2-C3 link, the n-butane molecules can adopt an endless number of conformations. The methyl carbon atoms (C1 and C4) are highlighted in red, while all hydrogen ions are highlighted in white.

Conformational Energy 

Gravitational potential and durability have an inverse connection. The higher a system’s gravitational potential, the less stable it is. In conformational analysis, the architecture of conformers is related to their energies, and thus to their comparative stabilities. Always remember that all of these are relative terms.

 There is also no ultimate stability or power. In organic synthesis, the link between molecule structure and potential energy is an important topic of research. There are three things that raise the energy potential of conformers, lowering their stability.

  1. Steric interactions take place when alkyl groups or even other substituents are crowded together closely.

  1. Torsional strain represents the tendency for s-bonds to twist in order to accomplish a more steady conformation.

  1. Angle strain is a rise in electric potential caused by bond degrees in cycloalkanes as well as other rings becoming pushed to deviate from desired values.

Conformational Analysis of n-Butane

Rotation (of a rear cluster radially) all around the C2-C3 bond like a consequence of torsion angle yields several conformations in n-butane, C1H3 -C2H2-C3H2 -C4H3, which have been expressed in Newman projection formulae as regards:

One pairing of eclipsed methyls as well as two sets of eclipsed hydroxyl groups make up conformation A. It is also achiral and also has a plane. This would be the n-butane conformation with the most energy, which results from rotation around the C2-C3 bond. This conformation has the highest amount of energy (18-26 kJ mol-1) in the potential power curve of n-butane.

The van der Waals gross repulsive connections, primarily here between two eclipse methyl groups (CH3/CH3 eclipsing interaction), as well as torsion stress due to the eclipse of three sets of vicinal bonds, contribute to the rotational energy gap.


Partially Eclipsed, Anticlinal (ac): Conformations C and E.

The conformations C and E are enantiomeric (non-superimposable mirror copies of one another) and equi energetic, with torsional angles of + 120° and – 120°, respectively, and energetic barriers of 3.6 kcal mol-1 (15.03 kJ mol-1, which is very similar to that of an eclipse propane).They have two Me/H linkages and one H/H overshadowed interaction.

In this situation, van der Waals repulsive couplings among H and CH3 within those conformations are regarded as minor, with each Me/H repulsion being 0.35 kcal mol-1 (1.46 kJ mol-1 ). The primary reason for this energy difference is thought to be torsional straining caused by three eclipsing pairs.

While nonbonded contacts rise inversely with the maximum power of the radius, the connections among two large (L) groups considerably outnumber those between a big and a moderate (M) group, so L/L + S/S is generally higher than 2 M/S (S stands for tiny group). As a result, (CH3 / CH3 + H / H > 2 CH3 / H) interactions are more common.

Gauche, Synclinal (sc): B and F conformations

In conformers of butane, the difference in energy between anti (D) and gauche conformations is roughly 0.8-0.9 kcal mol-1 (3.3-3.7 kJ mol-1 ). The van der Waals repelling interaction between two methyl groups at such a torsional axis of +60° or -60° causes the increased energy in comparison to the antiform. These conformations are chiral conformations and correspond to a chiral point group C2.

Despite belonging to a chiral point group, the gauche conformers of n-butane are not resolvable. Splitting into different molecules is impossible due to the low energy difference of rotating among conformations. The entire structure is optically inactive.

Antiperiplanar (ap) conformation D:

The conformation of butane structure with the minimum energy is really that. The anti conformation is perhaps the most secure because the two big methyl groups are situated opposite each other (= 180°). There is no torsional strain there, and the H/H and CH3/H skew interactions are minor. The anti form, which corresponds to the C2h points group, has a centre of symmetry, a C2 axis, as well as a plane. As a result, it is achiral. The anti (D) form’s amount of energy is randomly set to zero, and the potential energies of other forms are determined in relation to it.

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Interactions butane-gauche

When the energies of the lesser energy conformations anti (D) and gauche (B and F) are compared, the latter is shown to be destabilised by 0.8-0.9 kcal mol-1 (3.3-3.7 kJ mol-1). This energy proportion represents the steric interactions energy of paired methyl groups at a torsional angle of +60° or -60°.The butane-gauche interactions are analogous to this.

The gauche interactions in n-butane conformation arise from nonbonded interactions between two gauche methyls where distance falls inside the van der Walls group radii, because the torsion stress in gauche conformers seems essentially low. Butane-gauche interactions are the names given to this fundamental contact (of steric origin).


Since this gauche conformer is much more compact than the conformer of butane, it also has a relatively low molecular space and stronger intermolecular van der Waals interactions (due to its high surface/volume ratios).


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