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LDL Full Form

LDL stands for Low-density lipoprotein. LDL is related to cholesterol levels or fat which may harm your body if cholesterol is taken in high amounts.

Introduction to Low density lipoprotein

Low-density lipoprotein is also called bad cholesterol when high-level LDL may lead to a high amount of cholesterol in arteries. The high-level LDL simply means you have too much fat or LDL cholesterol in the bloodstream. When there is an extra amount of LDL with many other substances it can form plaque. Atherosclerosis is the scientific name which is given for the plaque which is built up in the arteries. During the blood test, you can check your cholesterol level which must be having an LDL report as well. Your proper lifestyle decides the levels of LDL.

A proper Structure behind LDL

Every single LDL particle has fatty acids and these fatty acids are moved all over the body which is within the water but on the outer side of water cells. Each particle is having 100 molecules of Apolipoprotein with that having additional 80-100 ancillary proteins. Every LDL has a hydrophobic core in which polyunsaturated fatty acid is present and 100s to 1000s of esterified cholesterol molecules and also unesterified cholesterol molecules.

There is also a temperature dependency of the human body to lower and raise the LDL level. If the temperature of the human body is high then it will surely lower the LDL process because there is a proper flow of water in the bloodstream and the liver will have better functioning chances where all the fats and protein are getting broken and processed.

Reasons why you have high LDL cholesterol


In this section, there is a high level of Low-density lipoprotein present in your family. If something changes in the genes which are related to the cholesterol then that person can have familial hypercholesterolemia. And when the family member has this kind of condition then he may struggle to remove this LDL cholesterol from the body.

As per the study, there is 1 who is having this problem from the count of 250 people. And if it is calculated then 90% of the family members are undiagnosed.


If a person is consuming too much trans fat in his or her diet then this will increase the chances of risk of raising the LDL cholesterol level. Mostly dairy products and meat which are having fat are considered to be the reason for increasing the high LDL.

The study says a normal person should have 20-35% fat from the calories that he or she is taking from the diet. There should be 10% less consumption of calories to limit saturated fat.


When you are overweight then it can lead to an increase in the levels of LDL. And also there will be a lower amount of HDL level which can also lead to an increase in the levels of overall cholesterol.

Physical Activity

When a person is not doing many physical activities like exercise or walking which may lead to weight gain then this will also increase your Low-density lipoprotein levels.


Smoking not just harms your lungs but there is a whole science behind it, this will lower your HDL cholesterol levels. And when there is a low HDL level then it means there are fewer chances of removing LDL level.

Age and Sex

As men and women get older there is an increase in the levels of cholesterol. Women are considered to be having more cholesterol as the age progresses so it means for the same age a man can have lower cholesterol levels but a woman will have higher as compared to the men.


If a person is having too high LDL cholesterol then it may have a chance to form atherosclerotic plaque in the blood vessels which may lead to cardiovascular disease. If you are doing exercises or having fieldwork as a worker then it will surely help you lower your LDL cholesterol level but if you have no fieldwork then you can surely adopt a good low saturated and trans fats diet. You can also increase the fibre intake through the diet which will ultimately increase your HDL level.


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