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Study on Pancreas

The pancreas is a part of the human organism located in the abdomen, which is converting the consumed food into fuel for the body cells.

The pancreas can be defined as the large gland situated behind the stomach secreting the digestive system of enzymes in the sector of the duodenum. The pancreas is embedded with certain islets of the Langerhans, which are circulating the blood hormones in terms of comprehending and generating glucagon and insulin. This biological system is a certain factor that has been identified to be disrupted in the population of India. Therefore, it has been further evaluating the identification of the pancreas and its demographic influences on the Indian population. 

Pancreas location 

Across the back of the stomach, the pancreatic system is being tepid and elongated. It is contained with two sides; the widest part lies with the curve of the duodenum, whereas the other part is inflicted upon the small intestine. Therefore, the pancreas location can be defined as precisely situated in the upper left side of the abdomen. In addition to that, the pancreas is surrounded by certain other organs such as the liver, spleen, small intestine, and such.  

Pancreas functions

The pancreas is responsible for the systematic operational process of the consumed food. This particular organ is essential for it is potential enough to digest the food and to manage it with the sugar level of the body in terms of providing energy after the digestion. It has been defined to utilise the pancreatic juice which is contained with lipase and trypsin. These fluids are potent enough to allow the foods to be digested accurately and appropriately. Above all, it extracts the insulin and is inflicted upon the body system to maintain the sugar balance in blood level. 

Gross anatomy of the pancreas

The pancreas happens to be spongy in texture and is almost 6 to 10 inches long extended right across the abdominal horizontally.  The shape of an adult pancreas is like a flat pear or it can be a fish surrounded by coarse fondant organs. The entire shape of the pancreas can be divided into three parts: head body and tell in which the tail is provided with a pancreatic duct.  along with that, the body part has two spheres of lobules. Moreover, the head commonly corresponds with the accessory pancreatic duct, common bile duct, duodenal papilla, and duodenum itself. 

Symptoms of the unhealthy pancreas 

Symptoms of observing unhealthy pancreas are presented below: 

  • Pain in upper abdominal
  • In certain cases, the abdominal pain can be radiated all across the back
  • Fever
  • Rapid pulse
  • Vomiting and nausea

Major issues with pancreas in India 

It has been identified that among the Indian population chronic pancreatitis is the most common disease associated with the pancreas and its fundamental function.  Indian men have been observed to be most affected by this particular disease at the very age of 30 to 40 years. pancreas function is somehow being affected by food habits, rapid lifestyle, and congested eating practices.  It has been identified that these have a major influence over the body function in terms of creating disruption and discomfort-into the digestive system. Along with chronic pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer has been identified to be one of the rare cancers causing mortality and serious threat to mankind. Pancreatic cancer has 7th rank in the world in terms of mortality and 14th in terms of incidence. In most cases, people in India are suffering from chronic issues associated with pancreas function.  

Pancreas disease

The concerns associated with the pancreas have been inflicted upon major disruption in the health issues of India. In terms of this, certain diseases are chronic such as acute pancreas pancreatic cancer, abdomen pain, chronic pancreatitis, prolonged and consistent stomach pain, and such. 


The above-held discussion is provided with an overall study of the pancreas along with the perspective of its disease in India. In this context, it has been identified that the preliminary pancreas function is to define the digestive system by moderating consumed food with its inherent fluids. India has been witnessing a sudden surge in its health issues in terms of having acute pancreatic problems and diseases among a wide range of populations. Certain diseases have been able to be identified for their intensity and extensive symptoms that have been commonly found in both men and women. 


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What are the factors behind the pancreatic issues?

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