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Meristematic Tissue

The tissue that is found in the tips of the parts of the plants and helps in the upbringing of the plants such as by providing them new parts is called meristematic tissue.

Meristematic tissue is the tissue that promotes the ever life of the cells which means the cells under this tissue remain living ever. Moreover, the tissue is present at the tips of the leaves, roots, and branches and the function of these tissues is to help in growing the plants. The cells present in meristematic tissue regularly divide to form new cells so that the plants can grow. The section is going to deal with the complete study of meristematic tissue that provides the knowledge of the growth of plants. 

What is meristematic tissue?

The tissue present in the tips of roots, leaves, and branches of the plants that helps in the growth of plants is known as meristematic tissue. The following tissue contains cells of various shapes and the part of the tissue that is used for the survival of the cells is called meristem. Cells present in the meristematic tissue remain living for a long time and help the plants in their growth. Furthermore, the buds and leaves of the plants grow due to the presence of cells in the tissue. 

Meristematic tissue characteristics

The characteristics of the meristematic tissue are that the cells reside in the tissue called meristem and it has the quality of renewable itself. Every time the cells are divided into two cells and one of them remains the same as the parent cell that is used for further division and another one is converted into special structures that are known as leaves, roots, and branches. Moreover, the shape of the tissue is thin-walled and living which helps in fulfilling the injury of the plants. Plants grow and stabilize themselves due to the presence of meristematic tissue. The tissue contains a single, big, and efficient nucleus that helps in performing metabolic activities. 

Describe different types of meristematic tissue

The meristematic tissue is divided based on origin and functions. The forms of tissue based on the origin are


The meristematic tissue that is present in the tips of shoots and roots and generated by the embryo is called promeristem. The following type of tissue is the youngest and earliest of tissue. The formation of the tissue happens at the time of the division of the parent cell and is responsible for the growth of the plants. Promeristem is responsible for the production of the primary meristem and helps the plants in obtaining their body parts. 

Primary meristem

The tissue that is present after the promeristem and helps the plants in obtaining their permanent tissue is called primary meristem. The formation of this tissue happens at the time of the division of the cells and grows to become a permanent part of the plants. This type of meristematic tissue is important for the growth of plants because the new parts of the plants formed due to the presence of the primary meristem. 

Secondary meristem

The last part of the growth of the tissue is the secondary meristem because it is the outcome of the function of meristematic tissue. The formation of this tissue means the plant is ready for further growth because the following tissue provides new and strong permanent parts to the plants such as stems, leaves, and roots. 

Use of the meristematic tissue

The tissue is used in various functions of the plant’s growth such as it provides the strength for growing and surviving in the environment. The collection of cells is known as tissue that helps the plants in obtaining new parts of their body and strength for surviving in the external environment. Moreover, the plants grow from seeds that undergo the germination process and after the germination process; it provides the buds that become a plant after growth. Plants are important for the survival of animals and human beings because the plants are responsible for providing oxygen that helps in the preparation of food. 


The study of the above section concludes that the meristematic tissue is important for the survival of the plants and it is present in the tips of the parts of the plants. The types of tissue are discussed in a section that gives information about the function of the tissue in the growth of plants. The study sheds light on the importance of plants for the survival of humans and animals and it can be concluded that plants are responsible for providing oxygen that helps in obtaining energy from the food. 


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