Number series

Number series is the use form of series which has the inclusion of particular numbers where it is present in a very particular order and the missing numbers in that order are the ones which are to be found in the present situation the number series the very important part of government exams and bank exams.

The number series is eventually a sequence which is formed with the help of perfect numbers where the question is to detect the number which is missing in the series of the number and this series are normally used for kinds of questions which they helped to appear in various topics. Number series questions are the questions that are to detect the number which is eventually missing in the number series. Arithmetic number series consists of number series in which the next term of the next number in the series is obtained through the subtraction or addition of any constant number to the previous term altogether. The number series example here will be 4, 9, 14 because the number to be added in this situation will be 5.

Functions of Number series

The number series are used in most areas of arithmetic and mathematics for the studying of various structures regarding combinatorics. These are for the generation of proper arithmetical series where the number series determines the ubiquity in mathematics. The number series are also used in situations where the quantitative disciplines related to computer science, physics, and statistics have to be developed. In this situation, the number series are gradually known as an infinite summation which normally helps to find a finite result which is also termed paradoxical. These number series are used for the determination of proper infinite sums which eventually help make question patterns in higher studies and government exams. The number series gradually helps to determine various numbers which can eventually be identified for a particular wrong number. Number series questions in the government exams a set in which a given specific number which is missing has to be obtained. Number series example is 0, 1, 1, 2,3.

Functions of arithmetic number series

The arithmetic number series can be used for the domain of natural numbers where the initial function is to find out the constant range of change. The common difference in this situation of arithmetic number series is the change of the slope of function altogether. Various types of formulas are gradually used for the determination of the number series to find out the finite arithmetic number series. In this situation, the common difference which has to be determined in this situation has to be added to the first term which will help them to obtain the final term of the sequence of the arithmetic number series.

Number series questions

The number series questions gradually include the finding of the correct number of the correct solution in the situations whether the wrong solution for a finding of a new solution has to be done. Number series example, in this case, would be

2, 3, 10, 38, 172

In this situation, the wrong number in the number series has to be detected and has to be replaced with the correct number.

So in this situation, the correct explanation would be

2×1+1 will be equal to 3

3×2+4 will be equal to 10

10×3+9 will be equal to 39

39×4+16 will be equal to 172

So in this case the correct answer in place of 38 in the number series would be 39 and so the number series questions would be solved. There are various other examples in the number series in which the given number has to be obtained and these sorts of questions are gradually asked in the higher education and government exams.


Number series is gradually a sequence of numbers which are formed out by the use of perfect numbers it can be concluded that the major uses of the number series are eventually been done for government exams and banking exams and the rules for the determination of the result for the formation of these number series are set by the examiner and many kinds of questions are appearing through the number series as well. Number series gradually refers to a sequence of numbers that follow a particular pattern and candidates are supposed to find the missing or wrong number which is provided in the number series.


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What are number series questions?

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