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Indian Constitution and its salient features

The constitution of India is provided with a sort of basic structure that are defined as the salient features of it. These features have been identified as fundamental rights, preamble, Secularism, Directive principles, independence of judiciary, Federalism, liberal democracy, rule of law and Republicanism.

In terms of “the Indian constitution article” and provided lawful structure, “the constitution of India” has been finally crafted with certain features in order to establish factors that are bringing the entire country together. The constitution has been made by core salient features provided by the constituent assembly under the provisionary contribution and supervision cabinet mission plan. “The Preamble of Indian constitution” has been able to justify the federal features of the Indian Constitution as constituted with the Supremacy of the constitution, written elements of the constitution, rigid constitution, independent judiciary, dual government polity, division of powers, bicameral legislature. By addressing these Federal features, the further 11 elements of salient features have been determined by the commission. 

What is the Indian constitution? 

 “The constitution of India is” contained with the identification of being unique as its contents and provided spirits.  As per the fundamental idolism of “the Preamble of Indian constitution”, it is divided into several salient features that allows this constitution of India to be highlighted and distinguished from that of the constitutions of other countries. the Supremacy of the constitution, written elements of the constitution, rigid constitution, independent judiciary, dual government polity,  division of powers,  bicameral  legislature, and more Are the salient feature that have been addressed into “the constitution of India” for better applicability and clarification of of the country and it government. 

In this constitution, identification of written constitution has been made by India’s diversity that has helped this to be sufficiently lengthy with various provisions and accommodated indifferences.  “The constitution of India” with its article 368 Enabled blending attribution of flexibility and rigidity.  It has identified that the majority of the members from each house can be represented for the voting with the total membership of each house.  In the same context, the other provisions can be taken as per the amendment by the special majority of the entire Parliament with the ratification imposed by half of the states. 

The Preamble of the Indian constitution has been characterized by the fortune of the country and its constituted elements as provided by responsibility and accountability, adaptability, fundamental human rights and its protection, representation of people in the government, comprehensiveness, clarity and more. 

The Salient features of the Indian Constitution 

As per the appropriate justification of “the constitution of India”, it consists with salient features that have been accomplishing the “Preamble of Indian constitution” to follow up the country and government in order for them to protect and regulate the citizens and the entire country. With the justification towards the constitution and its articulated establishment, such as; longest written constitution, single citizenship fundamental rights fundamental duties the mixture and blend of flexibility and rigidity adult suffrage Directive Principles of State Policy, as well as India as the country of democracy, socialism, secularism, sovereignty and Republic. Among all other salient features, fundamental rights have been identified to be most significant as it bears the basic element of the rights and constitution of the citizens of India.  According to Indian constitution article 14 to 18 along with that of article 19 to 22,  it has been significantly discussed and explained the right to equality as well as the right  to freedom. 

 In addition to that, the fundamental justice of “the constitution of India” has been provided by the understanding and significance of law and legalization imposed on the benefits and rectification to survive and live a life with individual perspective.  In “the Indian constitution article” 23 to 24, the fundamental right against exploitation has been explained along with that of the fundamental human right to freedom of religion has been noted and read in Indian constitution article 25 to 28.  In this context similarly, the justification of fundamental rights has been provided with article 29 to 30 in terms of prospecting cultural and educational rights of every individual of the country.  Additionally, the fundamental rights constitutional remedies have been signified and discussed throughout the course of the context under “the Indian constitution article”. 


In this article, the discussion and Exploration has been made by addressing the key area of “the Indian constitution and its salient features”. The provision has been signified with each of its features that has been constituted and learnt in terms of the legal articulation of “the constitution of India”.  the correlation between “the constitution of India” and that of its salient features explained to the brain in terms discussing why it is important for the country and the government along with the citizens.