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Why do stars twinkle

The earth's atmosphere has an effect on the night sky, making the stars appear to glitter. When starlight penetrates the atmosphere, it is impacted by the winds and the varying temperatures and densities. From the ground, this makes the star's light sparkle.

Light from the stars reaches our eyes via the numerous layers of our atmosphere, causing stars to twinkle. The shift in air density is usually related with temperature gradients, and it is only when light rays travel through layers of various densities that stars twinkle.

The sparkling of the stars has always been one of our favourite sights. We’ve been hearing star poetry since kindergarten. But they don’t sparkle. They don’t. We shall discuss the twinkling of stars here.

The stars twinkle due to their distance from earth. They appear as pinpoints even via a broad telescope due to the earth’s atmosphere.

Explain the star twinkling phenomenon

Stars twinkle due to atmospheric refraction. In other words, the air above us is a large ocean of thin fluid that bends light passing across it. The star’s light would have followed a straight course, and its image would have been steady.

In actuality, the atmosphere is continually shifting, and various densities bend light differently. As the star gets closer to our eyes, the light will zig-zag and seem to sparkle. The rays from all sections of the disc must be bent away from you in order for massive things to seem to blink and glitter. It just takes a little visible disc to stop twinkling.

It also relies on the conditions in the air above you. On clear evenings, the atmosphere will roll and the stars will glitter more. On other nights, when the upper air is quiet, the glittering will not occur.

The overall impression is similar to being at the bottom of a swimming pool under intense sunshine. If the water is wavy, the pool bottom will have many moving bright and dark patterns. The moving pattern will vanish if there is no disturbance, no wind, and no disruption.

Atmospheric refraction

Atmospheric refraction occurs when light beams or other electromagnetic waves flow through the atmosphere and deviate owing to variations in air density and height. Atmospheric refraction deviates not just visible light beams from the stars but also electromagnetic signals. Light and sound waves are both refracted as they travel through the atmosphere. Atmospheric refraction can help you find distant celestial bodies. This is because the celestial bodies or other distant things in the sky look higher than they actually are.

Why do stars twinkle and planets do not?

Planets don’t twinkle because they are closer to earth than stars, so the change in air refraction is less. They are also larger than stars, so the shift isn’t enough for planets to twinkle. If seen low in the sky, the planets should sparkle. This is because staring towards a horizon passes through more atmospheres than looking overhead. If you can see stars and planets from space, their light will be constant since there is no atmosphere to disrupt it. Can you tell a star from a planet by their twinkles and non-twinkles? Observers who are unfamiliar with a planet can identify it by comparing its brightness to a neighbouring star.

Why do stars twinkle red and blue?

This occurs as a result of scintillation (also known as “twinkling”) occurring as light passes through the earth’s atmosphere. Starlight is refracted by moving air, causing distinct colours to appear in different directions. The phenomenon of “chromatic aberration” causes stars to appear to change colour as they twinkle furiously.


The twinkling of light is simply caused by the refraction of light as it passes through various levels. Their appearance of twinkling is due to the various densities of the distinct layers of light, not because they truly twinkle in real life. Light is refracted or bent several times in our atmosphere as a result of differences in densities and temperatures between different layers of our atmosphere. This results in the twinkling of the light.


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