A transistor is a solid semiconductor device that performs a variety of tasks, detection, rectification, amplification, switching, voltage stabilisation, modulation of signal, and so on. The transistor may adjust the output current dependent on the input voltage since it is a variable current switch. It is a solid-state electronic device made of semiconductor materials such as germanium, silicon, and others that regulates current flow without the need of a vacuum: transistors perform similarly to electron tubes but are more compact, long-lasting, and power efficient.
Uses of transistor-
Doping is a chemical technique that gives specific features to semiconductor materials. Doping produces a material that either adds extra electrons (which is therefore referred to as N-type due to the additional negative charge carriers) or develops “holes” in the crystal structure (which is then called P-type because it results in more positive charge carriers).
The three-layer structure of the transistor has an N-type semiconductor layer sandwiched between P-type layers (a PNP configuration) or a P-type layer sandwiched between N-type layers (a PNP configuration) (an NPN configuration).
A tiny change in current or voltage at the control electrode (the inner semiconductor layer) causes a big, quick change in the current flowing through the whole component. As a result, the component may operate as a switch, opening and shutting an electrical gate at a high rate.
Complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology is used in today’s computers. Per gate in CMOS, two complementary transistors are used (one with N-type material; the other with P-type material). It takes practically minimal power to keep a single transistor in a logic state.
There are 2 types of transistors-
Junction Transistors- Bipolar Junction Transistors are a kind of junction transistor (BJT). The phrase ‘bipolar’ refers to the fact that both electrons and holes are needed for current conductivity, while the term ‘junction’ refers to the presence of PN Junction (two junctions).
FET is a term used to describe a (Field Effect Transistor)- Common form of transistor is the Field-Effect-Transistor (FET). The FET has three terminals in general (like BJTs). Gate (G), Drain (D), and Source (S) are the three terminals (S). Junction Field Effect Transistors (JFET) and Insulated Gate Field Effect Transistors (IG-FET) or Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors are two types of Field Effect Transistors (MOSFET).
Photo transistor uses-
First we will see what do we mean by photo transistor then its uses- It is a semiconductor device which can detect light and adjust the current between the emitter & collector based on the amount of light it gets.
Both phototransistors and photodiodes are capable of detecting light, but the phototransistor is more sensitive due to the gain supplied by the bipolar transistor. As a result, phototransistors are better suited for a variety of applications.
Phototransistors are readily accessible and inexpensive from electronic component wholesalers; they are included in the standard semiconductor device inventory due to their widespread usage in numerous electronic circuits and applications.
1.Encoders, which consist of a spinning disc with light and dark stripes that provides speed and direction of rotation.
2.Readers of cards
3.Security measures
4.Detectors that detect infrared light.
5.Controlling the lighting
7.Counting systems – for each item tallied, a light or infrared beam is disrupted.
These are the uses of transistors.
Uses of silicon transistor-
Now we will first look at the what do we mean by silicon transistor and the at its uses-
A semiconductor with a silicon base is known as a silicon transistor. It controls the flow of electrical current in a broad range of electronic devices, including TVs and phones. Because of its capacity to operate at high temperatures, silicon has essentially supplanted germanium in transistors. Other benefits of silicon transistors over other materials, including manufacturing cost, mean that they are now mass-produced in developed nations.
This device belongs to the MIOS (metal insulator–oxide silicon) transistor family and is mostly employed as a nonvolatile element in read-only memory; it can keep data even when the power is turned off. The metal nitride–oxide silicon transistor is a kind of transistor made of metal nitride and silicon oxide (MNOS)
It controls the flow of electrical current in a broad range of electronic devices, including TVs and phones. Because of its capacity to operate at high temperatures, silicon has essentially supplanted germanium in transistors ,we can see that uses of transistors of this kind are widespread in our life.
In this article we learned what we mean by transistors, their different types, read what we mean by silicon transistors and phototransistors, we also read about the uses of these transistors in our life. Transistors may be manufactured quite tiny depending on the application. In 2009, a transistor was measured in billionths of a metre.
We can make pocket-sized mobile phones and MP3 players thanks to a slew of tiny transistors crammed into silicon chips. Transistors may be made to use extremely little energy. A little battery can power millions of them in a watch or calculator for years. Military, space, and industrial are uses of transistors in their equipment. They have the ability to tolerate high levels of stress and vibration.