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Pressure in a Fluid

Pressure in a fluid is the amount of force per unit area acting on an object in a fluid or on the surface of a closed container. Let us understand its formula and how to measure it.

The pressure arising at a place within a fluid due to its weight is known as the pressure in a fluid. Furthermore, hydraulic systems and variations in the fluid’s velocity might cause amplification of the fluid pressure.

Consider the instance of a column with fluid pressure. The pressure in a fluid column rises in lockstep with the depth. This increase in pressure is because fluid at a lower depth has to support fluid at a higher depth when one goes deeper.

How do we measure fluid pressure?

When a fluid is stationary, it exerts a force perpendicular to whatever surface it contacts. Fluid pressure results from the random motion of molecules in a continuous stream. 

You can measure fluid pressure in Pascals (Pa). Note that one Pascal equals one Newton per square metre (N/m2). 

Fluid pressure is unaffected by the liquid’s density, volume, and mass. However, you may calculate it using the fluid’s density and height. Fluid pressure equals the product of the liquid’s density, its height above the object and gravity. 

Because gravity and liquid densities are constants, the significant variable in the equation is the liquid’s height. Let us look at the fluid pressure formula to understand it.

The Formula for Fluid Pressure

Pfluid = P + ρgh


  • The letter P denotes the pressure at the reference point. The pressure at a point in a fluid is called Pfluid.
  • ρ is the fluid’s density
  • g is the gravitational acceleration (for the earth, g = 9.8 m/s)
  • h gives the height from the reference point 

You can calculate the fluid’s density by dividing its mass by volume.

ρ = m/v


  • The mass of the fluid is m
  • v denotes the volume of the fluid

If the fluid is under atmospheric pressure, the system’s total pressure is as follows:

Pfluid = Po + ρgh

Where Po refers to the atmospheric pressure.

The Direction of Fluid Pressure

The pressure formed by a liquid or gas is peculiar in that it pushes down at a single point and pushes up and to the sides.

All directions

At any given place in a fluid, the pressure is the same in all directions. This fact is because liquids and gases can take on the shape of their container.

Swimming underwater

When you swim underwater, the pressure of the water on your body increases as you go deeper. But do you wonder why doesn’t all this weight crush you?

It is because your body compensates by establishing an internal pressure equal to that of the air or water. 

You are similar to an inflated balloon filled with fluids. When you travel deep underwater, the water pressure may exceed your body’s ability to compensate, causing discomfort.

The Device Used to Measure Pressure in a Fluid

A simple apparatus for measuring fluid pressure consists of an evacuated cylinder. It has a piston of area A connected by a spring.

When you submerge the device in a fluid, the fluid exerts a downward force (F) on the piston. Consequently, the spring is compressed. It remains so till the downward force exerted by the fluid on the piston equals the upward force exerted by the spring on the piston. 

You can determine the fluid’s force by calibrating the spring’s compression with a known force. As a result, you can use the following formula to calculate the pressure in a fluid.                                             

P = F/A 

Pressure is a scalar quantity. Because hydrostatic pressure is transferred equally in all directions when force is applied, there is no distinct direction associated with pressure.


The pressure in a fluid is the pressure observed within the fluid due to its weight. 

It can happen in one of two ways. First, when there is an open channel flow or an open state. Second, it can happen in a closed or flowing state. 

The fluid pressure is also known as static fluid pressure or hydrostatic pressure and it takes the depth of the fluid into account. When considering the fluid’s movement, the pressure is insignificant. It indicates that the static fluid pressure is unaffected by surface area, the shape of the container in which the fluid is contained or the liquid’s mass or volume.


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