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Least count and significant figures

Significant figures refer to the number of digits, including 0-9, which are absolutely necessary to indicate the quantity of a substance. There are three basic significant figures rules. Read on to know more about these figures, and the rules that govern them.


When taking a measurement, it’s important to know the significant figures that make up a value. There is always a degree of uncertainty in any experimental results. The major values are the result of a predetermined way of compensating for errors in order to ensure accuracy in measurements and to obtain genuine data.

Every one of the experimental measurements has some type of uncertainty related to them. To guarantee accuracy and precision in estimations and get genuine information, a proper technique to make up for these uncertainties was required, and this resulted in significant figures. Here, we will discuss what are significant figures, significant figures rules, and their real-life application. In the later section, we talk about the basic units of measurements or fundamental physical quantities.  

Define Significant figures

Analytical concentrations can only be relevant if they are reported with the appropriate number of significant data points. Methods and parameters may be used to calculate how many Significant Figures are needed. Most of the time, three important statistics are enough to get the job done. 

Scientific notation uses a word known as “significant figures,” which is defined as the number of significant digits (0 to 9 inclusive) in a given expression. Engineering and scientific expressions use significant numbers to show how confident or precise they are in their estimates of a given quantity. 

Application Significant Figures Rules

The important numbers of a computed measurement must be measured according to a set of principles. 

Significant Figures Rules

When measuring the significant figures of a given measurement, certain requirements must be followed. The three most important significant figure rules are:

Rule 1 – All the non-zero digits are considered significant.

This is one of the more self-evident rules. When you use a device like a ruler or a thermometer to try to measure something and it gives you a number, you’ve made a measurement decision. Only that single-digit will have meaning in the overall number you acquire as a result of this measurement process.

Rule 2 – Zeroes which are placed between non-zero digits are significant.

This is another rule whose title is self-explanatory. Zeroes are not significant according to the significant digit rule one. 

Rule 3 – A final zero in the decimal portion is significant, whereas a leading zero is not.

The trailing zeroes are only used as a placeholder for other numbers, and they are mainly used as significant numbers. Any amount of zeros trailing in front of a number is not regarded as a significant digit and is therefore non-significant.

Listed below are the major figures guidelines that regulate the use of significant figures: 

  • The non-zero digits are important
  • There are four significant digits in 6575 cm, for example, and three significant figures in 0.543 as well
  • In the absence of a preceding zero, the non-zero digit is of no consequence, only one decimal point may be seen in the number 0.005 but there are three in the number 0.00232
  • It’s also a significant number if there’s a zero in between two non-zero numbers
  • There are five significant digits in 4.5006

Caution in estimating the number of significant digits to reduce ambiguity 

  1. The number of significant digits should not be affected by the change in units. In this example, 5.700 m = 570.0 cm = 5700 mm. The first two amounts contain four significant figures, whereas the third one only has two. 
  2. Measurements should be reported using scientific notation. The order of magnitude is referred to as (a x 10b ) where a  is the number of digits.
  3. Multiple digits can be added or subtracted from precise integers indefinitely. 

Following are some examples of significant figures: 

  • 5409 – here there are 4 significant figures
  • 80.08 -here there are 4 significant figures
  • 5.00 – here there are 3 significant figures
  • 0.00900 – here there are 3 significant figures


A frequently asked question is why it is vital to use significant figures. There are crucial numbers that allow us to track the accuracy of our measurements, which explains why this is so. Rounding should be done to ensure that the final number is no more precise than the starting number. The outcome is more accurate, in a nutshell. The phrase “significant figures” is sometimes used in mathematics to refer to the number of digits in a value or to the digits that are commonly used in a measurement of any value and hence give the most exact number or precise value possible. From the first non-zero digit, we begin counting significant numbers.