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Laws of refraction using Huygens principle

A quick method to predict the propagation of a wavefront through free space. How Huygens' Principle can solve problems related to wave propagation in Laws of Reflection.

Dutch physicist Christiaan Huygens and French physicist Augustine-Jean Fresnel proposed the Huygens-Fresnel Principle, or simply Huygens Principle. Huygens’s principle explains methods of analysing problems related to wave propagation in the Far-field limit and Near-field diffraction and reflection.

It states that every point of the wavefront is the source of spherical wavelets created in the process. These mutually interfere with the secondary wavelets emitting from different points. These spherical wavelets collectively form a spherical wavefront that usually moves with time.

Huygens’ principle gives us a simple way to estimate how a wavefront would propagate over, say, Free space.


In 1678, Huygens proposed that each point moved by an unsettling iridescent influence turns into a source point of a circular wave, which thus becomes auxiliary waves. These additional waves decide the type of the wave at any resulting time.

He supposed that the optional waves voyaged uniquely in the “forward” course and was never clarified why that is so. Even though he had the option to give a subjective clarification of direct and round wavefront proliferation, with how to infer the laws of reflection and refraction utilising Huygens standard, he never could clarify the deviations from rectilinear engendering that happen when light experiences edges, openings, and screens, generally known as diffraction impacts.

A few blunders in the hypothesis were subsequently clarified by David A. B. Mill operator in 1991. The goal is that the source is a dipole (not the monopole expected by Huygens), which drops the reflected way. In 1818, Fresnel showed that Huygens’ standard, alongside his obstruction guideline, can clarify both the rectilinear proliferation of light and diffraction impacts. He incorporated extra self-assertive presumptions about the stage and abundance of the optional waves and an obliquity variable to get the ideal arrangement. These presumptions have no actual undeniable establishment except for prompted forecasts that concurred with numerous exploratory perceptions, including the Poisson spot.

Poisson utilised Fresnel’s hypothesis to anticipate that a brilliant spot should show up in the focal point of the shadow of a bit of plate, and derived from this that the theory was mistaken. In any case, Arago, one more individual from a similar french advisory group, played out the trial and showed that the expectation was correct. One of the examinations prompted the triumph of the wave hypothesis of light over the overwhelming corpuscular theory.


The coarse adjustment of a wavefront at an interface between two different media with the purpose of the wavefront returning to the medium from which it originated is known as reflection.

The law of reflection says that the place where the wave is occurring on a superficial level is equivalent to where it is reflected for specular reflection. Therefore, mirrors are the ideal illustration of specular reflection.

Laws of Reflection:

The laws of reflection are as follows:

  1. At the point of incidence, the incident ray, the reflected ray, and the normal to the reflecting surface are all in the same plane.
  2. Angles between incident and reflected rays are the same.
  3. On the normal, the incident and reflected rays are on opposite sides.

All three laws can be derived using the Fresnel equations.

The Fresnel equations (or Fresnel coefficients) describe how light (or electromagnetic radiation in general) is reflected and transmitted when it strikes an interface between two optical mediums.

Types of Reflections:

Reflection can be classified into diffuse, specular, and glossy.

  • Diffuse Reflection: The light reflects in many different angles in this type of reflection. Because most things are opaque and reflect light diffusely, diffuse reflection accounts for more colour than any other sort of distribution
  • Specular or Regular Reflection: Specular surfaces reflect light at the same angle as when light strikes the surface. Specular reflection gives objects a mirror-like appearance
  • Glossy Reflection: Glossy surfaces are regular surfaces with micro surfaces at angles to the surface plane. These micro surfaces reflect the light specularly and diffusely (at angles very close to the specular transmission), giving the surface a glossy appearance

Generalised Huygens’ Principle

The generalised principle is defined by Feynman as follows:

“In the case of optics, Huygens’ principle is incorrect. Kirchoff’s (sic) modification replaces it, requiring knowledge of the amplitude and its derivative on the surrounding surface. This is because the wave equation is second order in time in optics. On the other hand, because quantum mechanics’ wave equation is first order in time, Huygens’ principle is accurate for matter waves, with action replacing time.”

This shows that the generalised principle represents quantum physics’ linearity and that the quantum mechanics equations are first order in time.

The mathematical expression of the principle

The complex amplitude of the primary wave at a point Q placed at a distance r0 from P0, within a constant of proportionality, is: 

The point source vibrates with a frequency of f and is positioned at a point P0. A complex variable U0, known as the complex amplitude, can describe the disturbance.  

 Note- Magnitude decreases as the distance travelled increases, and phase changes as k times the distance travelled.

Modern Physics interpretation

Not all scientists think that Huygens’ principle accurately represents reality microscopic.

This can be easily seen in the following facts:

  • The microscopic physics of photon generation and emission, in general, is fundamentally electron acceleration
  • Huygens’ original analysis included amplitudes only. It does not consider interference because it does not contain phases or waves propagating at various speeds (due to diffraction within a continuous medium)
  • Huygens’ analysis also ignores light polarisation, which suggests a vector potential
  • In Huygens’s principle, we never explain why we choose only the forward-going versus the backward-propagating advanced wave (backward envelope)
  • There is a concept of non-local behaviour in the Fresnel approximation due to the sum of spherical waves with various phases from different wavefront positions

Hence, Huygens’s principle is a subject of debate on a theoretical level.


The Huygens’ principle is primarily compatible with quantum field theory in the far-field approximation, considering the practice fields in the centre of scattering and small perturbations. However, in the same sense that quantum optics are compatible with classical optics, other interpretations are subject to debates and active research.