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The moment of inertia

The simple definition for moment of inertia is that, it is the second moment of mass with regard to distance from an axis. For bodies that are restricted to rotating in a plane.

The moment of inertia, also known as the moment of mass of inertia, is a quantity that determines the torque required for a desired angular acceleration about a rotational axis. It is similar to how mass determines the force required for the desired acceleration. It is dependent on the axis selected and the mass distribution of the body, with bigger moments needing more torque to affect the rate of rotation.

The moment of inertia is simply the mass times the square of the perpendicular distance to the axis of rotation for a point of mass as an extended (additive) attribute. The moment of inertia of a rigid composite system is equal to the total of the moments of inertia of its component subsystems. 

What is the moment of inertia?

One of the numerous mass qualities that explain an object’s stability and the forces required to change its motion is the moment of inertia (MOI). Stability is critical in the design and manufacture of air and spacecraft in aerospace engineering. Knowing the MOI of different axes is crucial for assessing how well a device can withstand external and internal stresses. Accurate measurement of this value will result in better-produced craft or equipment to suit the unique requirements of numerous projects in the demanding aviation and space sector.

Its simplest definition is the second moment of mass with regard to distance from an axis. For bodies that are restricted to rotating in a plane. Asymmetric 3 × 3 matrices, having a set of mutually perpendicular elements, may be used to understand the moments for bodies that are free to rotate in three dimensions. The major axes for this matrix are diagonal, and torques, which are a type of force, act independently of each other around the axes.

What is the mass moment of inertia?

The mass moment of inertia measures how resistant an item is to changes in its rotational rate around an axis. The mass MOI comes from Newton’s first law of motion, which deals with inertia. Without external forces acting on them, objects at rest will oppose being propelled into motion, and objects in motion will resist stopping. The force required to move something in linear motion is equal to the product of its mass and acceleration (F=ma). To convert their motion from standing still to moving, higher masses demand more force.

When this principle is applied to rotational motion, the mass MOI equals the linear mass. When you multiply the mass moment of inertia by the angular acceleration, you get the torque required. As a result, torque is identical to linear force in rotating motion. The rotating equivalent of linear acceleration is angular acceleration. Greater mass MOI, like linear inertia, need higher torque to achieve a given angular acceleration.

How to calculate mass moment of inertia?

The mass moment of inertia can be calculated in a variety of ways, depending on the geometry, mass distribution, and rotating axis. To find the mass MOI for simple objects, use the point mass or multiple point masses.

Multiply the squared distance between the rotating axis and the mass by the mass at the given location to get the point mass. The mass MOI of some objects with a single mass equally dispersed across the axis will equal this point mass.

I = m × r²

I = Σ(mi × ri²)

The total of all the point masses of the component yields the mass MOI for computing the mass moment of inertia for more complicated objects. Calculus might help by taking the integral of the squared radius of the mass of an infinitesimally small region of the object instead of computing many point masses (dm).


I = ∫(r² × dm)


How to measure moment of inertia?


Measuring the mass moment of inertia instead of computing it can save a lot of time. This measurement may be taken with a variety of tools. Consider the object’s mass, the sorts of extra measurements necessary, and the desired precision when choosing measuring tools. Some series just measure the MOI, whereas others contain information on the centre of gravity and other mass attributes. 


To estimate the mass moment of inertia along a known rotational axis, all series employ the inverted torsion pendulum technique. The payload is not suspended by a pendulum, but rather rests on a low-friction surface. 

Sensors compute the moment of inertia by measuring the object’s oscillation period.

Uniform circular disc – MOI

A body’s moment of inertia is its tendency to resist change, which results in rotational motion, or angular acceleration. It is calculated as the product of the mass of the body and its gyration radius. We apply the parallel axis theorem to the usual equation for moment of inertia of a uniform circular disc, which yields the moment of inertia about all these spots, and then pick the one with the highest value for the desired response.


It is dependent on the axis selected and the mass distribution of the body, with bigger moments needing more torque to affect the rate of rotation. One of the numerous mass qualities that explain an object’s stability and the forces required to change its motion is the moment of inertia. In this article the concept of Moment of Inertia is explained in detail, moreover formula calculation and measurement is also covered. Hope this will help you with your academics.


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