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Gravitational Constant

In this Article we will learn About Gravitational constant and its Properties,

The calculated value of the constant is known to four significant digits with some certainty. It is the gravitational force that exists between any two objects as a result of their masses. It is also in charge of beginning the birth of stars, as well as controlling the entire structure and origins of the universe.

The letter ‘G’ stands for gravitational constant. In certain natural unit systems, specifically geometrized unit systems like Planck and Stoney units, the gravitational constant is a defining constant. When represented in these units, the gravitational constant will usually have a numeric value of 1 or something near to it. Due to the high uncertainty in the measured value of G in terms of other known fundamental constants, the value of many quantities represented in such a unit system will have a similar degree of uncertainty.

The gravitational constant can be calculated using Planck’s length, mass, and time. It derives from the electric force equation in wave format.

Gravitation Types

Gravity was discovered by Isaac Newton. It has been said that he recognized it after he saw an apple fall from such a tree and began to wonder about the universe’s forces. It is the force that pulls a body toward the Centre of earth.

The Moon’s Acceleration Due to Gravitational Force:

The gravitational acceleration upon the Surface of the moon is about 1.625 m/s2, which is about 16.6% of the acceleration due to gravity on Earth’s surface, or 0.166, where g is the acceleration due to gravity on Earth. The gravitational acceleration variation across the entire surface is about 0.0253 m/s2, or 1.6 percent of the acceleration due to gravity. Even though weight is always directly proportional to gravitational acceleration, particles on the Moon will weigh only 16.6% (≈1/6) of what they would on Earth.

The universal gravitational constant is measured:

G = 6.673 x 10-11 N m2 /kg2

Three methods have been used to determine the gravitational constant:

  • The force of Earth on a test mass is measured with a scientific balance.
  • The gravitational force of a huge natural mass compared to the gravitational pull of Earth.
  • In the lab, the force between two masses is measured directly.

Properties of Gravitational Forces:

The following are the main characteristics of gravitational forces:

  • The gravitational force is a central force that acts across a line connecting two bodies’ centres.
  • This is a lengthy force at all times. When we’re having a discussion about a long distance, the force is present.
  • It is a conservative force as well. This refers to the work done by gravity in replacing a body from one moment to another, which is solely dependent on the body’s calculated positions. It is also unaffected by the path taken.
  • It’s critical to understand that, unlike electrostatic and magnetic forces, gravity has always been desirable.

Gravity is a phenomenon that exists throughout the cosmos. Gravity is a crucial factor in defining and maintaining the physical link between space and matter.The force that governs the entire galaxy, containing planets and stars, is called gravity. To put it another way, gravity is the force that operates on all mass or energy-bearing things. The weight of an object on the Earth’s crust is influenced by gravity. Gravity has an infinite number of possibilities, and as the distance between the objects grows, the effects of gravity become weaker.

The Gravitational Constant and Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation:

According to Newton’s Universal Gravitation Law

“All particles in the cosmos entices every other particle with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of their separation.”

F ∝ m1 m2r2  🡪 F =m1 m2r2 


  • A force of gravity between objects is denoted by F.
  • The mass of one of its items is m1.
  • The mass of the second object is m2.
  • The distance between the centres of two objects is represented by r.
  • The universal gravitational constant is referred to as G.

Between two point masses, there is gravitational potential energy.

The energy that an object has due to its position in a gravitational field is known as gravitational potential energy. The Earth’s surface, where the gravitational acceleration is believed to be constant at 9.8 m/s2. Because the gravitational potential energy 0 can be chosen at any position (just like the coordinate frame zero), the potential energy at a height h above that point is equal to the work necessary to lift the item to that height with no net effect in kinetic energy.

The correlation between gravitational acceleration and the gravitational constant :

On the surface of the earth, Newton’s second law and the universal law of gravitation apply.

m g = GM m R2 

g = GM R2

Gravitational acceleration is a function of height and depth (approximately).

At a height h<<Re  gravitational acceleration (approximate expression) is given by:

g’ = g(1 – 2hRe )

At a depth d, the following is an expression for gravity acceleration:

g’ = g(1 – dRe )


Gravity is stronger for objects with more mass. With distance, gravity weakens as well. As a result, the closer two objects are, the stronger their gravitational pull is. The mass of the Earth contributes to its gravitational pull. Gravitational waves will indeed transfer almost completely unnoticed through us even at the distance of the nearest star. Despite the fact that these ripples in spacetime carry more energy than any other cataclysmic event, their interactions are so weak that we are barely affected.


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