Transistor is an electrical device that controls the flow of Electric Current and Voltage. It acts as a switch or gate for electrical signals. The Transistor is usually made up of three layers of semiconductor components that carry Current. Most Transistors are made of pure silicon, and some are made of germanium however, sometimes using other semiconductor materials. Transistors can be used for many digital and analogue functions, including amplifiers, switches, Voltage stabilizers, signal switches, and oscillators, due to their high response and accuracy. Transistors can be packaged individually or in a small space, allowing to integrate up to 100 million integrated circuits of Transistors.

Transistor Characteristics 

In physics, the graph that represents the relationship between current and voltage of any transistor of any configuration is called Transistor Characteristics. Any two-hole network such as transistor suspension circuits can be analyzed using three types of feature curves. They are,

Input Signals: The curve describes the changes in the current input values ​​relative to the input voltage values ​​that keep the output voltage constant.

Output signals: A curve is obtained by adjusting the output power against the output voltage and keeping the input constant.

Current Transmission Signals: This feature swing defines the current output in relation to the current input, keeping the output voltage constant.

Transistor Configuration

Any transistor circuit can be designed using three types of configuration. The three configurations of the transistor are based on the connection of the transistor terminal. The three types of transistor circuit configurations are:

Common Emitter Transistor

Common Base Transistor

Common Collector Transistor (emitter follower).

Each of these three circuits has its own curve features. Depending on the need the type will be selected for the circuit .The configuration of each region has a different feature curve. Based on the regional requirement, the Transistor configuration is selected accordingly. Few things are considered when using a suitable circuit Transistor. These are the maximum Voltage rate between emitter and collector (UCE max), high circuit capacity, and current large collector (ICE max). The electrical circuit must not exceed these maximum values ​​in order to operate properly. Permanent damage to the cycle can occur if it exceeds the value. It is also important to maintain a proper current Amplification and frequency.

PNP transistor

PNP transistor is a type of transistor in which one n-type object is inserted with two p-type objects. It is a device that is controlled by current power. Both emitters and collector currents are controlled by a small amount of current base. Two crystal diodes are connected back to back in the PNP transistor.

A transistor in which one n-type object is fitted with two p-type objects such a type of transistor is known as a PNP transistor. It is a current controlled device. A small amount of current base controls both the emitter and the collector current. The PNP transistor has two crystal diodes connected at the back. The left side of the diode is known as the emitter-base diode and the right side of the diode is known as the collector-base diode.

The hole is the carrier of the PNP transistors that carry the current into it. The current inside the transistor is formed due to a change in the shape of the holes and in the transistor sources due to the flow of electrons. The PNP transistor opens when a small current flows to the base. The current direction in the PNP transistor is from the emitter to the collector.

The PNP transistor manual indicates the voltage required by the emitter, collector and base of the transistor. The basis of the PNP transistor has always been negative in relation to the sender and collector. In a PNP transistor, electrons are taken from the base circuit. The current that enters the base is amplified at the end of the collector.

Semiconductor junction transistors

A transistor is a semiconductor device used to amplify or convert electrical and energy signals. The transistor is one of the basic building blocks of modern electronics. It is made of materials used by a semiconductor, usually with at least three terminals connected to an electrical circuit.

Transistors, and many other electrical components, are made of semiconductors – devices that transmit electricity only weakly under certain conditions. Radar technology, developed during World War II, used magnetic semiconductors, germanium and silicon, to detect short-wave radio signals.


Transistors are a three-term semiconductor device used for current control, or to amplify an input signal into a large output signal. Transistors are also used to switch electrical signals. Electrical circulation in all types of transistors is adjusted by adding electrons. Transistors are commonly used in digital circuits such as electronic switches that can be in the “on” or “off” mode, both in high power systems such as switching mode power and low power applications such as sensible gates.


Transistors make excellent electronic switches. They can turn on and off streams a billion times a second. Digital computers use transistors as a primary means of storing and transmitting data

Due to its simple design, a small junction of transistor architecture is converted to semiconductor materials without silicon. In the external environment the channel is completely exhausted due to the performance difference between the semiconductor and the gate material.


Frequently asked questions

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How did the transistor change the world?

Ans. Transistors have transformed the electric world and have had a profound impact on computer design. By substitut...Read full

What if semiconductors have not been developed?

Ans. Semiconductors enable technology and are a major catalyst for economic growth. The semiconductor market support...Read full

How did the transistor affect the community?

Ans. Transistors have transformed the electric world and have had a profound impact on computer design. Transistors ...Read full

Why the transistor?

Ans. Transistors work cooler and require much less energy than vacuum tubes that would begin to replace them, produc...Read full

Why is Fallout technology so old?

Ans. The main reason is that the transistor was not developed in the Fallout world – the equipment remained la...Read full