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Electronic Waves

Electronic wave or the wave generated by the dual nature of an electron is a probability wave. The particle nature becomes less probable, and wave nature becomes dominant with a decrease in mass.

Electronic waves are representatives of the wave nature of the electron. When an electron beam was passed through a double slit and made to strike a screen that was positioned behind the opening of the slits, an interference pattern was formed. It consisted of light and dark strips. This was done by Thomas Young, and it proved that electrons that were considered merely particles (due to deflection observed in the cathode ray experiment) also possess a wave nature. This wave nature of electrons led to the coining of the term electronic wave, and it represents wave nature associated with the electron. Particle and wave nature are present in every matter; the case is; however, with increase/decrease in mass dominating nature varies. 

Before discussing in detail, let us look at some important definitions and theorems that can enhance our understanding of electron wave function and wave nature of the electron.

Some Basic Definitions and Characteristics:

Electron Wave Function: The physical state of an electron is generally described by the electronic wave function. An electron does not possess a deterministic continuous motion; instead, it is discontinuous. The wave function is a numerical parameter consisting of a complex mathematical relation that provides the probability density of finding an electron in a certain space. It is an indication of randomness in motion, which can be visualised only when the wave nature of the electron is accounted for.       

Uncertainty Principle: Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle is a groundbreaking model which projects that when we measure the parameters or variables of a particle, there is inherent uncertainty in the measurement due to the presence of dual nature. This is true regardless of domination of one particular nature. When this principle is extended to the position (wave nature) and momentum (particle nature) of an object, the principle states that more precisely we measure one nature, the measurement of other nature is more uncertain. 

This is contrary to our intuition and general observation through naked eyes, in which all the variables can be thought to be measured accurately only if one has good enough instruments. The uncertainty principle given by Heisenberg is fundamental theory and a mathematical relation that informs us of the limitations. We can not measure a variety of quantum variables accurately all at once. This is a direct point of distinction from Newtonian Physics. And this relationship exists beyond position and momentum; it also extends to energy and time.

Heisenberg also formulated a mathematical relationship which is:                                         Δp. Δx ≥h4π

Where  Δ  refers to uncertainty in the parameter and  h  is termed as Planck’s constant 

De Broglie Wavelength: The advent of quantum mechanics established that dual nature also exists in our regular life. We do not observe it because of the minimal presence or domination of particle nature due increase in size (specifically mass) of objects. However domination does not prove the absence of other nature. So every particle has wave nature associated with it, De Broglie was one who mathematically defined a relation between wavelength  and momentum.                          λ=  hp

Here λ is the wavelength, h is the Planck’s constant and p is the momentum.

Absorption and emission

Absorption: When an electron in orbit absorbs energy in the form of photons, it gets excited and then goes to a higher energy level. This is measured in the form of the missing spectral signature of lights that were originally used to excite the electrons. The extra energy also changes the probability density of electrons, thereby affecting its discontinuous motion.  

Emission: When an electron in orbit emits energy in the form of photons, it gets de- excited and then goes to a lower energy level. This is measured in the form of appearing spectral signature of lights viewed in different visible light and beyond it. The energy loss also changes the probability density of electrons, thereby affecting its discontinuous motion.  

Applications of electronic wave

Electronic waves, or the study of waves in general, have vastly transformed our understanding of nature and the origin of the universe. The excitation and emission that follow help us conceptualise the elemental makeup of the distant stars, asteroids, or even galaxies. Astronomers use the measures of light spectrum from a star or asteroid for which elemental makeup is to be determined. Each element has a property that it emits light of a particular wavelength. Therefore astronomers could determine the present and missing spectra, which will reveal the elemental makeup of that particular star. It even helps in determining the velocities of galaxies. The instruments developed on uncertainty principles give us a highly accurate and sensitive numerical mapping of observations. It has helped scientists affect neural pathways contributing to the development of robotics and artificial intelligence, which will expand our chances of survival and diversify our species. 

The sun emits radiation of different wavelengths that can be seen in the visible spectrum. Radiation emitted by the sun penetrates the atmosphere and warms land and sea. Warm lands also radiate heat at longer wavelengths. Carbon dioxide has an energy level corresponding to the infrared wavelengths that help absorb the sun’s infrared rays. Therefore, it also emits infrared wavelengths in all directions that heat the atmosphere. More radiation is emitted into the atmosphere than outside the atmosphere. This is the reason for the greenhouse effect and rising surface temperatures.


The idea of the Newtonian deterministic universe has been given a fatal blow with the discovery of wave properties of electrons. The idea that one can measure the exact position and speed of every particle has been decimated. This also led to the elimination of the idea that we can calculate the universe’s entire history through highly powerful, simple instruments. Heisenberg clearly established that multiple variables could not be measured accurately. The future is not a determined reality but rather a consequence of randomness that will form order from discontinuous motion. This has had great consequences on our measuring abilities, especially in relation to the exploration of the cosmos.   


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