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Applications of Doppler Effect

To get an overview of applications of Doppler's effect, this article is the best for you. Go through it once and learn various secrets of Doppler's effect.

If you wish to learn about the most important and scoring topics of physics, Doppler’s effect is the one. People find it difficult to understand the theory of this subject. But trust me, your concepts will be crystal clear after reading this article once. The Doppler effect finds its applications in many places, which will be discussed in the following article.

The Doppler effect gained its importance after the scientist named Christian Doppler discovered it in 1842. The Doppler effect is also named Doppler’s shift. When you put your ears on the train track and hear the sound of the train coming, it feels like the train is just in front of you. But this is not so. All these mysteries will be solved in this article. 

Doppler Effect

Everything is incomplete without Doppler’s effect from moving vehicles to the space galaxy. If any submarines are lost into the seas, this is also the only principle to find that lost submarine. According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, the Doppler effect is defined as “The apparent difference between the frequency at which sound or light waves leave a source and that at which they reach an observer, caused by the relative motion of the observer and the wave source. Various applications of the Dopplers effect are listed below.

Doppler’s Effect- Applications

  • For the measurement of flow: Various new applications help in the calculation of Doppler’s shift. When there’s the flow of fluid, then devices like the Doppler velocimeter (ADV) and the laser Doppler velocimeter (LDV) calculate the Doppler effect. Ultrasonic waves are emitted through AVD and a light beam is emitted through LDV, which helps to calculate Doppler shift through the movement of particles. 
  • An instrument known as a laser Doppler velocimeter (LDV) measures the vibration measurements for vibration measurement. The laser light from LDV is directed towards the surface where you wish to calculate the vibrations. This will let you know about the frequency and the amplitude of the laser light due to the movement of the surface. 
  • For audio: Speakers like Leslie speakers that work with the Hammond organ show a good Doppler effect as compared to other instruments. In this type of speaker, a motor is established to run a horn which helps the sound waves to revolve in a circular manner. 
  • For the measurement of velocity profile: To measure blood flow in medical ultrasonic Doppler velocimetry (UDV), find its huge applications. It also helps you calculate the frequency of almost every liquid showing suspension formation in water. Many liquids form a suspension in water like dust, bubbles of gas, or emulsion. The flow of all these suspensions can be detected through the help of the Doppler effect.  
  • For RADAR: It means Radio Detection and Ranging, whose main function is to find the velocity of the specific object. Some of the real-life examples of RADAR include police chasing the vehicles through RADAR that are travelling at high speeds. This is also used when you need to shoot at the vehicle. It will help to let you know about the speed of the vehicles. RADAR is also used by ships or is sometimes used to detect lost ships and planes. 
  • For medical uses: The Doppler effect is mostly used for the accurate movement of the speed of the human cardiac system. The system is known as an echocardiogram, which has some limitations but its advantages overlap its disadvantages. The echocardiogram has only a few disadvantages, which is that it is unable to detect the velocity of valves and cardiac function. If someone is suffering from stenosis, then Doppler’s effect is used to calculate the flow of blood in veins and arteries of the heart. 
  • For Military services: SONARS, also known as Sound Navigation and Ranging system, helps detect the speed of ships and submarines through the help of Doppler’s effect. 
  • For Aerospace navigation: This helps to detect the lost aeroplanes or the speed of the planes. This system also helps to identify various stars, galaxies, and planets. 


This article starts from the definition of the Dopplers effect. If you are going to learn the applications of Doppler’s effect, then first it’s very important to get familiar with its definition. After that, you will find a series of applications of Doppler’s effect. Doppler’s effect has proved to be helpful for humankind in various ways, which you must have learned till now. Right from medical to air navigation, Doppler’s effect is almost everywhere. Doppler’s effect is widely used in everyday lives.


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Explain Doppler's effect?

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