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Alpha, Beta and Gamma

Behind what we now call alpha, beta, and gamma radiation is a sequence of scientific discoveries made by four scientists namely Henri Becquerel, Mari, Pierre and Rutherford.

This e-monograph introduces an undergraduate to the Alpha-, Beta-, and Gamma-Decays.

Beginning with a discussion of alpha-decay features, the kinematics of alpha-decay, alpha particle energy, alpha particle range, Geiger-Nuttall Law, and Gamow theory of alpha decay are reviewed.

The kinds of beta decay, beta decay spectrum, neutrino theory, and beta decay kinematics (Q-value) are all explored. A synopsis of the detection of antineutrinos, as well as the structure of the momentum and energy spectra, is also provided.

Starting with gamma ray emission and kinematics, there is a qualitative treatment of decay selection criteria, multipolarity, and internal conversion. 

Discovery of Alpha, Beta and Gamma radiation

Behind what we now call alpha, beta, and gamma radiation is a sequence of scientific discoveries made by four scientists:

In 1896, Henri Becquerel made an unintentional discovery of radioactivity.

When Marie and Pierre Curie began research on the phenomena found by Becquerel, they invented the name “radioactivity.” The Curies discovered that the rest of the ore was more active than uranium after extracting pure uranium from it.

Naturally, they concluded that the ore included radioactive elements other than uranium. That is the account of how polonium and radium were discovered. It required another four years to separate polonium and radium from the ore in order to examine their chemical characteristics.

During his experiments with radioactive chemicals, Ernest Rutherford found three sorts of emissions. The years 1900 and 1903 He gave them the names alpha, beta, and gamma radiation. Their power to permeate matter differs.

What is an Alpha particle?

Alpha particles are made up of two protons and two neutrons that are closely linked together. They are released from the nucleus of certain radionuclides during alpha-decay, a kind of radioactive decay. An alpha-particle is the nucleus of a normal (atomic mass four) helium atom, also known as a doubly ionised helium atom.

Alpha particles (also known as alpha radiation or alpha rays) were the first nuclear radiation to be discovered, followed by beta particles and gamma rays.

Properties of Alpha Particle

When compared to other types of nuclear radiation, alpha particles are comparatively sluggish and hefty. The particles have a mass roughly comparable to four protons and move at 5 to 7% of the speed of light, or 20,000,000 metres per second.

Because alpha particles are strongly ionising, they cannot penetrate very far into matter and are brought to rest by a few centimetres of air or less than a tenth of a millimetre of biological tissue.

What is a Beta particle?

A nucleus with an unstable neutron-proton ratio may decay by emitting a high-speed electron known as a beta particle. This results in a net change of one atomic number unit (Z). Beta particles have a negative charge, and the beta particles generated by a certain radionuclide will have an energy range that ranges from near zero to a maximum value that is distinctive of the individual transmutation.

Properties of  Beta particle

Because of their low mass, they lose energy fast when they touch with matter and travel in a random manner through air or other things.

Beta particles are far less ionising than alpha particles and, as a result, do far less damage for the same amount of energy deposition. They generally have air ranges of tens of centimetres (energy dependent) and material ranges of a few millimetres.

What is Gamma ray?

When a nucleus is energized, it can release one or more photons (packets of electromagnetic radiation) with distinct energy. The emission of gamma rays has no influence on the quantity of protons or neutrons in the nucleus, but rather shifts the nucleus from a higher to a lower energy state (unstable to stable). Gamma ray emission is a common byproduct of beta decay, alpha decay, and other nuclear decay processes.

Properties of Gamma rays

Gamma radiation is a kind of electromagnetic radiation (EMR). They are identical to X-rays, with the exception that they are released from an excited nucleus. Electromagnetic radiation may be thought of as a stream of photons, which are massless particles that flow in a wave-like pattern at the speed of light. Each photon has a certain quantity (or bundle) of energy, and all electromagnetic radiation is made up of photons. Gamma-ray photons contain the most energy in the EMR spectrum and the shortest wavelength.


Beginning with a discussion of alpha-decay features, the kinematics of alpha-decay, alpha particle energy, alpha particle range, Geiger-Nuttall Law, and Gamow theory of alpha decay are reviewed. A synopsis of the detection of antineutrinos, as well as the structure of the momentum and energy spectra, is also provided. Discovery of Alpha, Beta and Gamma radiation behind what we now call alpha, beta, and gamma radiation is a sequence of scientific discoveries made by four scientists that is also discussed in detail in this article. Moreover general queries such as, what are the properties of Alpha particles, Beta particles and properties of Gamma rays are also covered.


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