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Position Vector

When it comes to position vectors, they are described as vectors that signify either the position or the location of any given point in relation to any arbitrary reference point such as the origin.

The position vector is utilised to assist us in determining the location of one object in relation to another object in our scene. Position vectors are often constructed by starting at the origin and ending at any other arbitrary position. These vectors are then utilised to determine the position of a certain point in relation to its origin.

Position Vector 

In mathematics, a position vector is a straight line with one end attached to a fixed body and the other end attached to a moving point. It is used to describe the position of a point in relation to a body and is defined as As the point moves, the position vector’s length or direction, or both, will change, depending on whether the point is moving or not.

Definition of a Position Vector

A position vector is described as a vector that shows either the position or the location of a given point with respect to any arbitrary reference point, such as the origin. The direction of a position vector is always the same: it points from the origin of the vector towards the specified point.

•If O is the origin and P(x1, y1) is another point in the cartesian coordinate system, the position vector that is being directed from the point O to the point P can be represented as OP. If O is the origin and P(x1, y1) is another point in the cartesian coordinate system, the position vector that is being directed from the point O to the point P can be represented as OP.

If the origin O = (0,0,0) and the point P = (x1, y1, z1) are located in three-dimensional space, then the position vector v of point P may be expressed as: v = x1i + y1j + z1k in three-dimensional space.

•Consider two vectors, P and Q, each of which has a position vector p = (2,4) and a position vector q = (3, 5), respectively. Vectors P and Q can be written as follows: P = (2,4), Q = (2,4), and P = (2,4), respectively (3, 5). Consider the case of an origin O, as illustrated in the graphic below. We’ll take a look at a particle that goes from point P to point Q in this section. Generally speaking, the position vector of a particle can be defined as a vector that extends from its origin to the place at which it is currently positioned.

The position vector of the particle when it is at point P is represented by the vector OP, and when it is at point Q, it is represented by the vector OQ.

Finding the Position Vector

It is necessary to first know the coordinates of a point before attempting to determine the position vector of that point. Consider the following two points: A and B, where A = (x1, y1) and B = (x2, y2).

•Following that, we will calculate the position vector from point A to point B, denoted by the vector AB.

•It is necessary to subtract the corresponding components of A from B in order to determine this location vector: 

AB = (x2 – x1, y2 – y1) = (x2 – x1) i + (y2 – y1) j

Formula for the Position Vector

The location of each point in the xy-plane may be determined using a formula, and the position vector between any two locations can be determined using the same method. Consider the case of a point A with the coordinates (xk, yk) in the xy-plane and another point B with the coordinates (xk+1, yk+1) in the xy-plane.

•For the purpose of determining the position vector from A to B, the equation AB = (xk+1 – xk, yk+1 – yk) is used.

•If you start at point A and wind up at point B, you have a position vector called AB.

•To obtain the position vector from point B to point A, we can apply the formula BA = (xk – xk+1 , yk – yk+1), where BA denotes the position vector from point B to point A.


A position vector is described as a vector that shows either the position or the location of a given point with respect to any arbitrary reference point, such as the origin. In mathematics, a position vector is a straight line with one end attached to a fixed body and the other end attached to a moving point. It is used to describe the position of a point in relation to a body and is defined as As the point moves, the position vector’s length or direction, or both, will change, depending on whether the point is moving or not.It is necessary to first know the coordinates of a point before attempting to determine the position vector of that point.


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