Parts Circle

The circumference, radius, diameter, chord, tangent, secant, arc, segment, and sector of a circle are the nine components of a circle. Each of these components of a circle contributes significantly to the formation of a circle.

A circle is made up of many different parts, each of which contributes to its overall shape. A circle is a 2D shape that is measured in terms of the radius of its circumference. The word ‘Circle’ comes from the Greek word ‘kirkos,’ which literally translates as ‘ring’ or ‘hoop.’ The radius, diameter, circumference, and other characteristics of a circle are all defined by the metric system.


As previously stated, a circle can be defined as a 2D figure formed by a collection of points that are adjacent to one another and equidistant from one another and a fixed point. The fixed point is known as the centre of the circle, the common distance between the points from the centre is known as the radius, and a line that crosses the centre of the circle starting from one point and continuing to the other is known as the diameter. The interior of a circle and the exterior of a circle are the two primary regions of a circle, respectively. The region inside a circle is referred to as the interior of the circle, and the region outside the circle is referred to as the exterior of the circle.

Parts of circle:

A circle is a closed figure with a curved boundary and many parts that represent the properties and characteristics of a circle. A circle is made up of many parts that represent the properties and characteristics of a circle.

The Circle and Its Components

A circle is made up of the following parts, which are listed below:










Circumference of a circle:

The boundary of a circle is defined by its circumference. Instead, when we measure the boundary or distance between two circles, we refer to this measurement as the circumference, which is expressed in length measurements such as centimetres, metres, or kilometres. The circumference of a circle is composed of three essential elements: the centre, the diameter, and the radius. The centre, the diameter, and the radius are the most important elements.

Because we are unable to measure the distance between two points on a curved figure using a ruler (scale), we must use a formula that incorporates the radius, diameter, and the value of Pi (π). The following are the formulas for calculating the circumference of a circular figure. 

When the radius is specified, the formula for the circumference of a circle is 2πr.

When the diameter is specified, the following is true: The formula for the circumference of a circle is D.


r is the circumference of the circle.

D is the circumference of the circle.

Pi has a value of approximately 3.14159 or 22/7, and its symbol is.

Radius of a circle:

It is the length of the line segment that connects the centre of a circle to any point on the circle’s circumference that is known as the radius of the circle. A circle can have many radii (the plural form of radius), all of which measure the same distance around the circle. The radius of a circle is commonly denoted by the letter ‘r.’

When the diameter, area of a circle, and circumference of a circle are all known, we can calculate the radius of a circle using the following formulas:

A circle’s radius is equal to twice its diameter divided by two. The diameter of a circle is equal to twice its radius divided by two and is the longest chord of the circle. When the diameter is known, we can use this formula to calculate the circumference.

Circle Radius = Circumference / 2 – The circumference is the perimeter of the circle, and when we are given the circumference we use this formula to calculate the radius.

The radius of a circle is equal to (Area/2) – The area of a circle is the space contained within it. This formula is used in situations where the circle’s area has been specified.

Diameter of a circle:

Circular diameter can be defined as the length of a line segment that passes through the centre of the circle and has endpoints that are located on the circle’s circumference. The diameter of a circle is also referred to as the longest chord of a circle because it is twice as long as the radius. Using the diameter of a circle as a reference, we can measure how far it is from one end to another, passing through the centre. The letter D is used to indicate the diameter of a circle. There can be an infinite number of diameters of a circle where the length of each diameter of the circle is the same as the total length of the circle.

When we know the radius, the area of a circle, and the circumference of a circle, we can use the following formulas to calculate the diameter of a circle:

Circumference divided by diameter equals diameter (used when the circumference is given)

Radius divided by two equals the diameter (used when the radius is given)

In the formula, diameter equals 2(Area/2) (used when the area of the circle is given). 

Diameter = Circumference/π (used when the circumference is given)

Diameter = 2 radii are required (used when the radius is given)

Diameter = 2√(Area/π) (used when the area of the circle is given). 


The circumference, radius, diameter, chord, tangent, secant, arc, segment, and sector of a circle are the nine components of a circle. A circle is made up of many different parts, each of which contributes to its overall shape. A circle is a 2D shape that is measured in terms of the radius of its circumference.

A circle is made up of many parts that represent the properties and characteristics of a circle.The circumference of a circle is comprised of three essential elements: the centre, the diameter, and the radius.Radius is the length of the line segment that connects the centre of a circle to any point on the circle’s circumference that is known as the radius of the circle.Circular diameter can be defined as the length of a line segment that passes through the centre of the circle and has endpoints that are located on the circle’s circumference.


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