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Least Square Method

The least-squares approach is a type of mathematical regression analysis that determines the best fit line for a collection of data and displays the connection between the data points visually. The link between a known independent variable and an unknown dependent variable is represented by each piece of data.

The least-square approach involves minimising the sum of the squares of the offsets (residual component) of the points from the curve to get the best-fitting curve or line of best fit for a group of data points. The trend of outcomes is statistically evaluated throughout the process of determining the relationship between two variables. Regression analysis is the name for this procedure. Curve fitting is a technique for doing regression analysis. The least-squares approach of fitting equations approximates the curves to provide raw data.

It is self-evident that a curve fitting for a certain data set is not necessarily unique. As a result, a curve with the least amount of departure from all of the collected data points must be found. The least-squares approach is used to find what is known as the best-fitting curve.

Least Square Method


The Least Square Method is a mathematical regression study that determines the best fit for data processing while displaying the relationship between the data points visually. The relationship between each known independent value and any unknown dependent value is represented by each point in the data set. It’s also known as the Least Squares approximation, and it’s a method for estimating a quantity’s real value based on mistakes in measurements or observations. In other terms, the Least Square Method is the process of reducing the sum of squares of the offset points from the curve to identify the curve that best fits the data points. The outcome may be statistically calculated during the process of determining the relationship between variables, which is known as regression analysis. Curve fitting is an approach to this procedure in which fitting equations use the least square method to estimate curves to raw data. It should be clear from the preceding description that curve fitting is not unique. As a result, we must identify a curve with the least deviation for all of the data points in the collection, and then use the least-squares approach to build the best-fitting curve.

Least Square Method Formula

According to the least-square approach, the curve that best fits a given set of observations is the one with the smallest sum of squared residuals (or deviations or errors) from the data points. Assume the data points are (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3),…, (xn, yn), with all x’s being independent variables and all y’s being dependent variables. Assume that f(x) represents the fitting curve and that d represents the inaccuracy or divergence from each supplied point.

We can now write:

d1 = y1 − f(x1)

d2 = y2 − f(x2)

d3 = y3 − f(x3)


dn = yn – f(xn)

The least-squares method explains that the best-fitting curve is represented by the fact that the sum of squares of all deviations from supplied values must be the smallest, i.e.


Sum = Minimum Quantity 

If we need to find the equation of the best fit line for a set of data, we may start with the formula below.

Y = a + bX is the equation for the least square line.

Normal equation for ‘a’: 

∑Y = na + b∑X

Normal equation for ‘b’: 

∑XY = a∑X + b∑X2

We may obtain the appropriate trend line equation by solving these two normal equations.

Thus, we can get the line of best fit with the formula y = ax + b


Types of Least Squares problems

The following are the two types of problems:

  1. Least squares, either linear or ordinary

  2. Least squares with non-linearity.

The linearity of the residuals determines the type of difficulty. Linear issues are commonly encountered in statistical regression analysis, and non-linear problems are commonly encountered in the iterative technique, in which the model is presumed to be linear with each iteration.



Least Square Method Graph


The number of data points is reduced by lowering the offsets of each data point from the line. In polynomial, hyperplane, and surface issues, vertical offsets are employed, whereas horizontal offsets are used in common problems.

The Least Square Method’s Applications

In several domains ranging from Anthropology to Zoology, the Least Square Method is utilised to discover the independent variables:

  • Medicine: Research on smoking and how it affects life expectancy.

  • Economics: The relationship between capital investment and sales is investigated.

  • Biology: Measured Data Analysis – Fish Age and Length

  • Agriculture: Research on the site’s age and productivity.


In statistics, we often deal with a large amount of numerical data. In this branch, we gather, coordinate, manage, and measure data while calculating statistics. This information might contain a lot of noise or variation. It is frequently necessary to understand the data pattern that travels in any direction, rises or decreases, and so on. The procedure is known as the least-square method.


Frequently asked questions

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What are some of the drawbacks of the least-squares method?

Ans:  The following are some of the method’s drawbacks: It is difficult to apply to censored data. In compar...Read full

What is the purpose of using the least square method?

Ans: –  The least-squares approach is a type of mathematical regression...Read full

Who is the inventor of the least square method?

Ans:  Adrien-Marie Legendre (1805) is credited with discovering and publishin...Read full

Is it true that least-squares are always convex?

Ans: Because the Least Squares cost function for linear regression is always convex, regardless of the input dataset...Read full

What is the significance of the name "least squares regression line"?

Ans:  The Least Squares Regression Line is a line that minimises the vertical distance between the data points and ...Read full