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Laws Involved with the Limits of a Function

In this article we will cover Function limits, Properties of limits, Limits of complex functions. Laws Involved with the Limits of a Function. The limit of a function is a fundamental concept in calculus and analysis that describes how a function behaves near a specific input.

In mathematics, limits are the values at which a function approaches the output for the given input values. Limits are used to define integrals, derivatives, and continuity in calculus and mathematical analysis.

In modern calculus, the concept of a limit has numerous applications. Many definitions of continuity, in particular, use the concept of limit: a function is continuous if all of its limits agree with the function’s values. The concept of limit also appears in the definition of the derivative: in one-variable calculus, this is the limiting value of the slope of secant lines to a function’s graph. Limit, a mathematical concept based on the concept of closeness, is primarily used to assign values to certain functions at points where no values are defined, so that they are consistent with nearby values.

If f(x) gets closer and closer to L as x gets closer and closer to p, we say the function has a limit L at that input. When f is applied to any input that is sufficiently close to p, the output value is arbitrarily close to L.

Function limits

Two distinct limits can be approached by a function. One in which the variable approaches its limit by using values greater than the limit, and the other in which the variable approaches its limit by using values less than the limit. The limit is not defined in this case, but the right and left-hand limits exist.

When the f(x)=A+ given the values of f to the right of a near x. This is known as the right hand limit of f(x) at a.

When the f(x)=A given the values of f to the left of a near x. This is known as the left hand limit of f(x) at a.

A function’s limit exists if and only if the left-hand limit equals the right-hand limit. f(x)=f(x)=L 

Properties of limits

Limit laws are individual properties of limits that can be used to evaluate the limits of various functions without having to go through the detailed process. Limit laws are useful for calculating limits because calculators and graphs do not always yield the correct answer. In a nutshell, limit laws are formulas that aid in precisely calculating limits.

Here are some properties of the function’s limits:

Suppose that c is constant and that the limits of f(x) and g(x) exist where x is not equal to an over a few open interval containing a.

  • Law of Addition:[f(x)+g(x)] =f(x)+g(x)

  • Law of Subtraction: [f(x)-g(x)] =f(x)g(x)

  • Law of Multiplication: [f(x).g(x)] =f(x).g(x)

  • Law of Division: [f(x)/g(x)] =f(x)/g(x) , where g(x)≠0

  • Law of Power: C=C

Understanding the most special limit rules

There are some rules of limits are given below:

  • xn-an/(x-a)=na(n-1), for all real values of n.

  • sinsinθ/θ =1

  • tantanθ/θ =1

  • (1-coscosθ)/θ =0

  • coscosθ  = 1

  • ex= 1

  • (ex-1)/x = 1

  • (1+1/x)x =e

Limits of complex functions

The concept of a complex function limit is analogous to the concept of a real function limit. This concept is defined further below.

Let A⊆C be an accumulation point of A and z0∈C be an accumulation point of z0. The limit of f as z approaches z0 is denoted by lim⁡z→z0 f(z)=L if for all there exists a >0 such that if z∈A  and ∣z-z0∣<δ  then ∣f(z)-L∣<ϵ.

To differentiate functions of a complex variable, use the following formula:

The  f(z), the function z=z0 is said to be differentiable. If [f(z0+∆z)-(fz0)]/∆z  exists.


We conclude in this article, A limit specifies the value that a function approaches as its inputs get closer and closer to a certain number. The concept of a limit underpins all differentials and integrals in calculus. It is used during the analysis process and always refers to the behavior of the function at a specific point. The concept of the limit of a topological net generalizes the concept of the limit of a sequence and is related to the limit and direct limit in the theory category. In general, integrals are divided into two types: definite integrals and indefinite integrals. The upper and lower limits of definite integrals are properly defined. Indefinite integrals, on the other hand, are expressed without limits and will have an arbitrary constant while integrating the function.


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