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Exploring Normed Vector Space

A normed vector space is one that incorporates a norm. A seminormed vector space is one that possesses a seminorm.

A practical modification of the triangle inequality is

|| x – y || ≥ | ||x|| – ||y|| |

For any vectors x and y.

Moreover, this demonstrates that a vector norm | α | is a continuous function.

The third property is contingent on the choice of norm | α | for the field of scalars. When the scalar field is R (or, more broadly, a subset of C), this is often interpreted as the standard absolute value, but additional options are conceivable. Given instance, for a vector space over Q, | α | might be considered the p-adic absolute value.


The term “vector” comes from the Latin word “vectore,” which meaning “carrier.” Vectors are used to move data from point A to point B. The magnitude of the vector is defined as the length of the line that connects the two points A and B, and the direction of the vector AB is defined as the direction of the displacement from point A to point B. You could also hear people refer to vectors as Euclidean vectors or spatial vectors. Vectors are useful in a wide variety of contexts, including but not limited to mathematics, physics, engineering, and other areas.

Normed Vector Space

A normed vector space, sometimes called a normed space, is a vector space over the real or complex numbers that has a norm specified on it. This concept is used in mathematics.  In the “real world,” there is an intuitive concept of “length.” A norm is the formalisation and the generalisation to real vector spaces of this intuitive concept. A norm is a real-valued function that is defined on the vector space. It is often represented as X → ||X||.

The normed space is a Banach space if and only if this metric, displaystyle d, is complete. Because each normed vector space may be “uniquely extended” to a Banach space, it can be said that Banach spaces and normed vector spaces are closely connected to one another. However, the reverse is not true; a normed space does not necessarily have to be a Banach space. For instance, the set of all possible finite sequences of real numbers may be normed using the Euclidean norm, but this does not mean that the set is complete for the Euclidean norm.

One type of normed vector space is known as an inner product space. The norm of an inner product space is defined as the square root of the inner product of a vector and itself.

Linear Maps

Continuous linear maps are the most essential maps that may be used to translate between two normed vector spaces. A category is formed by the combination of these maps with normed vector spaces.

On its vector space, the norm is represented as a continuous function. Every linear map that takes place between vector spaces of finite dimensions can also be described as continuous.

An isometry between two normed vector spaces is a linear map f that maintains the norm (this means that ||f(v)|| = ||v|| for all vectors v .Isometries are usually performed in an injective and continuous manner. Isometric isomorphism is the name given to a surjective isometry that exists between the normed vector spaces V and W. The vector spaces V and W are said to be isometrically isomorphic when this isometric isomorphism exists. Isometrically isomorphic norm-spaces of vectors are, for all intents and purposes, equivalent to one another.


Vector space is a set of multidimensional quantities, known as vectors, together with a set of one-dimensional quantities, known as scalars, in such a way that vectors can be added together and vectors can be multiplied by scalars while still maintaining the ordinary arithmetic properties. Scalars and vectors are both considered to be part of the vector space (associativity, commutativity, distributivity, and so forth). Vector spaces are an essential part of linear algebra and may be found in a variety of other areas of mathematics and science as well.


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