
The divisor is defined as the integer that divides a given number by a predetermined factor of two. In addition, the quotient is the number that we get as a result of our operation on the data.

A divisor is a number that divides another number into two parts or fractions. We are unable to divide numbers unless we have a divisor. The phrases divisor remainder quotient are all significant terms in the division since they are used to represent different parts of the whole. The division is a means of dividing things into groups in an equitable manner. The number that must be split is referred to as the ‘dividend,’ and the total number of equal groups into which it must be divided is referred to as the ‘divisor.’ The remainder is the number of people who are left out of a group because they do not form a group. 

What is a divisor?

The division is the process of dividing a number by any other number in order to get another number as a consequence. As a result, the dividend is the number that is being shared in this situation. The divisor is defined as the integer that divides a given number. Furthermore, the quotient is the number that we get as a consequence of our operation. Whenever a divisor does not entirely divide a number, a number is produced that is referred to as the remainder.

Formula for Divisors

The division process is expressed in the following way: Dividend Divisor = Quotient

The dividend divided by the quotient is known as the divisor.

The sign for division is represented by the letter “. However, it is sometimes represented with the ‘/’ sign, as in the following example:

The quotient is calculated as Dividend / Divisor.

When dividing by a factor, what is the difference between the two terms? 

Any integer that divides another number is referred to as a divisor. A factor, on the other hand, is a divisor that completely divides a number and leaves no residue after division.

As a result, all of a number’s factors are also its divisors. However, not every divisor will also be a factor.

In the previous example, the factors of 20 are represented by the numbers 4 and 5.

In contrast, dividing 20 by three will not totally split the number twenty. As a result, 3 does not equal a factor of 20.

To illustrate, take the following scenario:

3 is obtained by dividing 15 by 5. In this case, 5 is a divisor. 

The factors and divisors of the number 15 are as follows: 1, 3, 5, 15.

To get the factors of a number, divide the number by the number of factors.

How to find factors?

Finding factors by division method:

Find all of the numbers that are less than or equal to the number that has been supplied.

Divide the provided number by each of the integers in the following order.

The factors of a number are the divisors that result in a remainder of zero when the number is divided.

Using the multiplication method, we can obtain the factors in the following way:

Write the provided number as the product of two numbers in as many different ways as you possibly can to represent it.

All of the numbers that are involved in the production of all of these items are factors of the specified number.

Cases that are out of the ordinary

  1. The number 1 is the smallest divisor of all other numbers in existence.

The reason for this is that when the divisor is 1, the quotient and the dividend are the same.

Take a look at the examples provided.

1 + 1 = 1 = 1 = 1 = 1

1 + 15 Equals 15.

  1. The number itself is always one of the divisors of the number in some form or another.

The reason for this is that when the divisor and the dividend are the same, the answer to a division of this kind is always 1.

Take a look at the examples provided.

1 x 34 x 34 x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1

1 + 15 + 15 = 1

Three, if the divisor is less than or equal to the dividend, the answer is not a whole number but rather a decimal one.

As an example,

510 divided by 0.5

Important Points to Keep in Mind

  • The integer is divided into pieces by the divisor.
  • There are no restrictions on how much of the dividend may be divided by the divisor. In both cases, the residual is zero when the division is completed, and the remaining is a non-zero integer when the division is halfway completed.
  • A positive or negative integer might be used as the divisor.
  • A number that divides an integer perfectly, leaving no residue, is referred to as a divisor in mathematical terms.
  • The divisors 1 and -1 are capable of dividing any integer that appears on the number line.
  • The divisors of 10 could be 1,2 and 5.


The division is not feasible in the absence of divisors. As a result, determining a divisor is a straightforward process. For example, if we need to divide the number 35 by 5, we may write it as 35 x 5 = 7, which is the same as 35 x 5 = 7. In this example, the number 35 represents the dividend, the number 5 represents the divisor, and the number 7 represents the quotient

It happens from time to time that we already know the amount of the dividend and the quotient, but we need to figure out what the divisor is. It is in this instance that we use the divisor formula.


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