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Calculation of mean & median

The mean, median, and mode are all considered to be measures of central tendency. Get a better understanding of the mean median calculator.

The average, median, and mode

The mean, median, and mode are considered measures of central tendency. They are referred to as statistical averages in certain areas. They are tasked with representing all of the values in a particular piece of data in a mathematical form. Starting with what is mean and what is median, in this article we will briefly understand the mean median calculator.


The first concept to grasp from Mean, Median, and Mode is the Mean. If the sum of all values divided by the number of elements equals zero, then the collection’s mean is equal to 0. Basic arithmetic and weighted arithmetic are two distinct kinds of arithmetic methods. The standard deviation of X is N, while the mean is N.

There are N objects in this situation, and X is the sum of the values of each.

Mathematical mean simply means that all data values are considered equal and weighted equally. Weighted arithmetic, on the other hand, prioritises objects based on their mean. Let’s begin by looking at various ways to find the average.

Mean median calculator

A mean median calculator uses the following method-

1. Direct method  

The mean is used in this method. An item’s value is divided by the number of observations to get the final result. 


2. The assumed mean method

An arbitrary number chosen at random serves as the assumed mean when the assumed mean technique is applied. The value is usually put in the middle of the series since this simplifies the calculation of the series’s value ( the calculated deviations are both negative and positive around the assumed value; hence they cancel out or sum up to a minimal value). 

Divide the greatest and lowest integers by two to get the estimated mean. Once the items’ values and assumed mean values have been determined, a separate column in the spreadsheet is used to compute the difference between the two. To calculate the real mean, the total of these variances must be added together. 

The median is the average of the two extremes (dN). This equation makes use of three variables: an assumed mean value (A), a sum of standard deviations (d), and several observations (N).

3. Discrete series mean calculation

The mean may be determined in one of two methods in the case of discrete series:

i) Direct method 

The following formula denotes the direct method:


FX= the product of the item’s values and frequency.

All frequencies are multiplied together to get f.

ii) Step deviation method

Like the assumed mean approach, the step deviation strategy simplifies computations. When all the variances have a common component that can be split to minimise their values, it is easier than the assumed mean strategy.

Step-deviation is the term used to describe the result when applied to lower the deviation.  

To turn deviations into step-deviations, we need a common factor called C.

Observe that this strategy uses step-deviation d’ instead of step-deviation d.

d’= (X-A)/C

X represents the item’s value, A represents the estimated mean value, and C represents the common factor. 

It’s essential to understand the meaning of the terms ‘range’ and median deviation’.

Using frequency distributions, mean calculation

Calculating the mean of a frequency distribution series may be done in two different methods.

1. Direct method 

Classifications rather than individual values are used in a frequency distribution. As a result, selecting a single number to represent the interval is a prerequisite to calculating the mean.

These numbers may be created by taking the sums of each class’s respective totals and multiplying them by two. The median value is denoted by the letter m.

2. The Assumed Mean Method

Except for adding the notion of mid values to the equation, the Assumed Mean Approach retains its essential principle. 

  • A multiplied by fd/f is the same as A multiplied by A.
  • A is the expected average value in this case.
  • Sum of the frequencies in a collection, denoted by the symbol f.

Please keep in mind that all calculations in this scenario are done using the mid-values of the classes. 

Method for determining the median 

For each series, the median is calculated. 

Depending on the situation, sorting the data in a single series into ascending or descending order is the first step in computing the median. Calculate N, which stands for the total number of observations. If N is an even integer, the following step is determined by the preceding one.

Median (N+1)/2 = (N+1)/2 if N is an odd number of items.

An integer greater than zero should be used when N is greater than zero.  

1. Discrete series

It is essential to arrange the data in ascending or descending order to compute the median. In the last stage, we convert the simple frequencies into cumulative frequencies. Another column must be added to the data set to track cumulative frequency, with the most recent number marked as f and the initial number labelled as N.

Afterwards, it is necessary to find the value of (N+1)/2. For the data set, the median value corresponds to the cumulative frequency greater than (N+1)/2.

2. Frequency Distribution Median

First, we sort the classes according to the situation, ascending or descending as in prior distributions. In the next step, we’ll calculate the cumulative frequencies. The letter N signifies the latest value in the cumulative frequency column equal to f, which is represented by the letter N. After that, the method is repeated for the value of N/2.

 The median is I/2 + h/f [N/2 – C]

  • In this case, l specifies the lower limit of the median class.
  • The class size is represented by h, and the frequency corresponding to the median class size is given by f.
  • An N represents the entire number of frequencies in a signal.
  • This is the cumulative frequency of the class immediately preceding the median class, which is represented by class C.


There are times when it’s impossible to remember all of the values included in a single piece of data. However, we need to conclude from the information we have. There are three ways to deal with this issue. Since they comprise all the data values, they are referred to as the measures of central tendency. Consequently, they help us make inferences and estimate all of the values we need. We hope this article helped you understand the mean median calculator in brief