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Integral calculus

An inverse process of finding derivatives is finding integral calculus. This Integral calculus study material focuses on the basics of Integral Calculus.

Integrals are known as the values of the function through the integration process. The integration process involves obtaining f(x) from f'(x). Numbers are assigned to functions that describe displacement and motion difficulties along with problems of area and volume, among others that arise when little data is combined. 

In this case, the function f is an antiderivative or integral of f’. On a ground level, calculus entails finding both integrals and derivatives. We’ll go over the fundamentals of integrals and how to evaluate them in this topic. The process of Integration is the polar opposite of the process of Differentiation. The symbol ∫ is used to represent it with several Integral calculus formulae.

Defining Integral

An antiderivative, Newton-Leibnitz integral, or primitive of a function f(x) on an interval I is termed F(x). For each value of x in I, F'(x) = f(x).

By drawing rectangles, we can estimate the real value of an integral. The region’s size encompassed by the graph of the provided function between two points on the line can be represented as a definite integral of a function. The region’s area can be calculated by splitting a region into narrow vertical rectangles and applying the bottom and upper limits. Over an interval on which the integral is defined, we specify an integral of a function.

Integral Calculus- Fundamental Theorems 

Integrals are defined as a function of the region enclosed by the curve y = f(x), the axis an x b, and the ordinates x = a and x =b, where b>a. Let x represent a specific point in [a,b]. Then, from a to, integrate f(x) dx f.

The area function is represented. The fundamental theorems of integral calculus are derived from the concept of area function.

  • Integral Calculus’s First Fundamental Theorem
  • Integral Calculus’ Second Fundamental Theorem

First fundamental Theorem

A′(x) = f (x), for all x ∈ [a, b]”.

 for all x ≥ a, the function is continuous on a and b. 


 A'(x) = f(x) for all x ϵ [a,b]

Second Fundamental Theorem

If f is a continuous function of x defined on the closed interval [a,b], and F is another function, d/dx F(x) = f(x) for all x in f’s domain, then

F(b)-F(a)=ab f(x)dx           

The definite integral of f over the range [a,b], where an is the lower limit, and b is the upper limit, is the above.

Integral Calculus- Types

The following categories of problems are solved using integral calculus formulas.

  1. a) the difficulty of determining a function’s derivative if it is known.
  1. b) the challenge of determining the area bounded by a function’s graph under certain conditions. As a result, there are two types of integral calculus.
  • definite value integrals (the value of the integrals are definite)
  • Indefinite integrals (the integral’ value remains indefinite with an arbitrary constant, C)

Definite integrals

Definite integrals have a pre-existing value of limits, so the final value is definite. If f(x) is a curve function, then.

ab f (x) dx = F(b)-F(a)

Indefinite integrals

These integrals do not have a pre-existing limit value, rendering the integral’s eventual value indefinite. The family of parallel curves includes indefinite integrals.

Integral Calculus- Properties

  • The integrand is the derivative of an integral. ∫f (x) dx + ∫g (x) dx
  • They are comparable because two indefinite integrals with the same derivative produce the same family of curves. 0 = ∫ [f(x) dx -g(x) dx]
  • The sum or difference of the individual functions’ integrals equals the sum or difference of a finite number of functions. 
  • The constant can be taken outside the integral sign as in the formula abkf(x)dx = kabf(x)dx, where k is a constant.

Integral Methodologies

The indefinite integrals are found using a variety of ways—integration by substitution approach.

  • Integrals are discovered through part-by-part Integration.
  •  integrating partial fractions can be used to find integrals.

Using the Substitution Method to Find Integrals

The substitution approach is used to find some integral calculus formulas

u’ = du/dx if u is a function of x.

∫ f(u)u’ dx = ∫ f(u)du, where u = g(x).

Integrals are discovered through part-by-part Integration.

Using the method of Integration by parts, integrals are formed when two functions of the product adjoin. The formula for the same is-

∫f(x)g(x) dx = f(x)∫ g(x) dx – ∫ (f'(x) ∫g(x) dx) dx.


We may find the distance given the velocity by using Integration. The area under simple curves, the area bordered by a curve and a line, the area between two curves, and the volume of solids may all be calculated using definite integrals. Integrals are also used to solve problems involving displacement and motion. Some typical formulae can be easily proved by differentiation for certain recurring formats of the integrands. In order to use them, some amount of manipulation can be used to convert the presented issues into the standard format.


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