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XeF2 Molecular Geometry and Bond Angles

Let us learn about the molecule XeF2, its molecular geometry and bond examples, and XeF2 Lewis structure.

The chemical compound Xenon Difluoride is abbreviated as XeF2. It’s a fluorinating and oxidising agent with a lot of punch. Other Xenon compounds include XeF4 (Xenon Tetrafluoride) and XeF6 ( Xenon Hexafluoride). XeF2 is the most stable of the three chemicals. It is white in colour. Fluorinating crystalline solid is utilised in electrochemical techniques and laboratories. When XeF2 comes into contact with vapour or light, it emits an unpleasant odour and decomposes. 

XeF2 is generated when a 2:1 mixture of xenon and fluorine is heated at 400 ℃ in a sealed nickel tank. XeF2 molecular geometry is an important and interesting topic.

XeF2 Molecular Geometry

XeF2 has a linear molecular geometry. Molecule Xe has eight valence electrons, while fluorine has seven, totalling 22 valence electrons. This indicates that both fluorines must be bound to the Xe molecule, resulting in three unshared pairs and two bonded pairs on the Xe molecule. Although the lone pairs are at equatorial positions (bonds perpendicular to the axis), the molecule is a trigonal bipyramid. Due to the 180-degree bond angles, the structure must be linear.

It is left with three lone pairs placed in the equatorial plane and two fluorines arranged perpendicularly to the lone pairs in the axial plane after sharing 1–1 electron with fluorine.

XeF2 Molecular Geometry: Chemical Adhesion 

Homogeneous and heterogeneous molecules are formed when two or more atoms react and combine. Molecules are generated through the formation of certain bonds between atoms that are based on their strength. Chemical bonding is the backbone that defines a molecule complex’s internal structure and nature and characteristics (both physical and chemical).

The XeF2 molecular geometry and bond angles have a lot of importance, so there are a few words and ideas that you should be familiar with before studying XeF2 molecular geometry and bond angles notes.

XeF2 Molecular Geometry: Lewis Structure

The Lewis structure of a chemical and its molecular geometry is important for understanding all of its physical and chemical properties. It is a visual representation of all the electrons involved in bond formation. This structure aids in deciphering the charges on the compound’s molecules. The electrons that participate in bond formation and those that do not are referred to as valence electrons collectively.

Bonding pairs of electrons are electrons that participate in the formation of bonds. Lone pairs of electrons are those that do not participate in bond formation. Both bonded and lone pairs of electrons are depicted differently to distinguish between the two types of electrons. Straight lines reflect the bond formation in the molecule, whereas dots represent the lone pairs.

Electrons of Valence 

The notion of valence electrons is the first thing to comprehend about chemical bonding. Valence electrons are the electrons in an atom’s outermost shell that control its valency. The groups will help us figure out what an atomic element’s valence electron number is when looking at the periodic table. Carbon, for example, belongs to group 4 (also known as Group XIV) and hence contains four electrons in its valence shell.

Angle of Bonding 

The bond angle may be easily comprehended now that we know the chemical geometry of the Xenon Difluoride molecule. There are three lone pairs of electrons and two pairs of bond electrons. Compared to the bond pairs, the lone pairs are in an equatorial location. The molecular geometry of XeF2 is linear because the bond angle between the two pairs coupled with the centre atom is 180 degrees.

The XeF2 Molecular Geometry 

If we want to learn more about how a molecule’s interior appears, we must research molecular geometry. This is a shift from 2D to 3D structural representation, which allows us to see how a molecule stays in a bonding state in real life. To compute the exact molecular structure and bond lengths and angles, we use a theory called the Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion Model (VSEPR). To create a near-stable composite, this idea minimises the like charge repulsion between negative electron clouds around atomic nuclei.


Understanding the geometry of a specific molecule necessitates hybridisation. Two or more orbitals with differing energy levels combine to generate hybrid orbitals during bond formation. The outer shell of Xenon in XeF2 includes eight electrons, two of which are involved in bond formation. 

The xenon’s ground state comprises eight electrons grouped in [Kr]5s2 5p6 orbitals. On the other hand, in XeF2, the Xe molecule is excited. Xenon’s electron configuration changes to [Kr]5s2 5p5d1 with two unpaired electrons. As a result, the core atom Xe is sp3d hybridised. As a result, the XeF2 molecule’s hybridisation is sp3d.


The noble gas xenon difluoride is a hypervalent halogen compound with an octet rule exception and no net dipole moment. There is no dipole moment and thus no polarity because of the fluorine molecules on both sides of the central atom. Because of the symmetric arrangement of the bond pairs of electrons, XeF2 is nonpolar. It is necessary to understand chemical bonding to learn about its many qualities and characteristics. The Lewis Structure, Molecular Geometry, Hybridisation, and Molecular Orbital – this article explains the important topics of XeF2 molecular geometry and bond angles notes.


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What is the XeF2 molecule's shape?

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