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Types of Energy

Types of Energy, importance, and applications. Also, learn about the examples of each Energy in routine life.

The ability to do work is a fundamental natural entity that is transferred between parts of a system to produce a significant reaction within the system. This ability to do work is called Energy.

The Energy of an entity is a function of its atoms, molecules, or merged structures. When a chemical reaction occurs to transfer the Energy, there is a definite transformation within the structure mentioned above of the entity. When transformed in general, the shift of Energy remains lesser than the already existing Energy. 

Types of Energy:

Kinetic Energy 

Energy is linked with an entity when it is still moving. Kinetic Energy is the energy that an object has due to its movement. To vary the entity’s speed, there is a need to vary the force. Using a force necessitates some effort. Once the task is done, force is transferred to the entity, and the entity moves at an adjusted acceleration rate. The transferred energy is regarded as kinetic Energy, and it is proportional to the mass and speed attained.

  • Recognize the force of the entity with momentum. (Speed of the object)
  • Distinguish between objects that move quickly and those that move slowly.
  • Examine how different entities move (Different acceleration are impacted with different units of Kinetic Energy)
  • Determine whether or not still objects are moving (A standstill entity may not have the impact of Kinetic Energy)
  • Look into what causes an object’s movement (How Kinetic Energy is transferred)
  • Explain how muscles allow humans to move. (Kcal consumed during a day)

Types of Energy – in Kinetic Energy


Electrical Energy, in essence, is the Energy contained in an atom’s exciting components that are used to exert pressure and/or complete a task. Simply put, electrical Energy can direct an object or trigger a response. Electrical Energy can be found all around us in a variety of forms. It is one basic type of Energy that one may observe in routine life.


Mechanical Energy is the Energy of movement or the Energy of an object moving. All living organisms and various mechanisms use mechanical Energy to operate effectively, and the form of Energy is apparent in various functions that one performs in routine life.

Examples: Windmill, Doorknob


Light Energy is a type of Electromagnetic wave that consists of a wavelength visible to the naked eye. It is referred to as kinetic energy, as its Energy is derived from movement or Heat.

Examples: Light Bulbs, Lasers.


Sound Energy is produced due to the movement of sound waves through various entities. This Energy travels in the form of waves known as sound waves. Sound Energy, unlike light Energy, cannot travel through a vacuum space because sound waves do not contain atoms that can propagate sound vibrations. 

Example: Talking, Clapping


Heat energy, also known as thermal energy, is produced when the temperature of an object rises, causing the particles within the object to move quickly and collide. It is the amount of energy emitted by a heat source. 

Example Room Heater, Oven

Potential Energy

The Energy that an entity has when standing still (not in motion) can manifest due to its proximity and status. Potential Energy is defined as the Energy contained – or retained – in a tangible element or compound. The said saved Energy is calculated by the entity’s or substance’s location, configuration, or condition. Regard this to be a force with the ability to perform the task. The saved force creates the transformation whenever the entity’s location, configuration, or condition changes.

  • Recognizes the Energy resulting from objects arrangements
  • Examines how objects react when they force is implied between them
  • Examine Energy in various arrangements of the particles
  • Looks into how Energy can be released

Types of Energy – In Potential Energy


Chemical Energy is another type of potential Energy. Chemical Energy is the Energy contained within the atoms and molecules of a chemical substance. It is frequently described as the Energy that inhibits chemical bonds and is present due to the way atoms and ions are arranged in the chemical substance. This type of energy is retained within the chemical compound until a chemical reaction occurs, converting the energy into another form. The Energy released through the conversion of chemical Energy is generally in the form of Heat.

Examples: Petroleum, Batteries.


The Energy found in atoms is known as nuclear Energy. It is another form of potential energy. The electrically charged protons in an atom’s nucleus create a force that repels them. The neutrons and protons combine to form a powerful force that prevents them from moving apart. When external forces cause these neutrons and protons to overcome the previously mentioned force, this Energy is released.

Examples: Nuclear Weapons, Medicines


The energy results due to the location of an object at an elevation from the surface of the earth. It is a type of potential energy. Energy here is derived from the proximity from the earth and the earth’s gravitational pull.

Example: Water in Dams, Rollercoaster.


As observed, numerous forms of energy present all around us are categorised into two types, Kinetic and Potential Energy. Additionally, we have observed that it can neither be created nor destroyed following the law of conservation of energy. We all know that there are forms of energy that can be obtained from renewable sources that can avoid using nonrenewable sources, and hence the world is transitioning towards clean Energy to attain energy efficiency.


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