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Tritiated Water (T2O)

Tritiated water(T2O) is super heavy water, with radioactive tritium present in the water molecule, which gives its importance to tritiated water(T2O).

Tritiated water (T2O) is the water where the protium hydrogen atom (H1) is replaced by its isotope tritium (H3 or T). Tritium is not much prevalent in the natural atmosphere. It is radioactive. Tritium differs from protium in having two neutrons. It is similar to protium in having only one proton. Thus, the atomic number of tritium is the same as the hydrogen atom, but its mass number is two, which is unlike the hydrogen atom. Tritiated water (T2O) is different from deuterated water(D2O). 

Tritium – An isotope of hydrogen 

  • A hydrogen atom possesses only one proton and lacks any neutron. It has three known isotopes on Earth.

  • They are protium(H1), deuterium(H2), and tritium(H3).

  • Tritium has the same number of protons as a hydrogen atom, but the number of neutrons differs. 

  • H1 is natural hydrogen, also known as protium or proton.

  • H1 is present in abundance on our planet. 

  • The most common form of H1 present on Earth is water(H2O).

  • When the H atom in water is substituted with tritium (H3 or T), it forms tritiated water (T2O).

  • Deuterated water (D2O) is known as heavy water, whereas tritiated water (T2O) is known as super heavy water.

Tritiated water (T2O)

  • Tritiated water has trace amounts of tritium in place of hydrogen in water molecules. 

  • It is also called tritium oxide as per its chemical formula.

  • It is usually discharged from various commercial establishments into water bodies or on land.

  • Even when tritium is released as such from the industries into any part of the earth, it is dragged into the water bodies by atmospheric cycles. In such cases, it forms tritiated water in the oceans.

  • Tritium in tritiated water emits a low level of beta radiation. Its half-life is around 12.26 years.

Toxicity and effects of tritiated water on living beings

  • Aquatic animals ingest tritiated water formed in the oceans. As a result, the water gets incorporated with the organic molecules present in the body of the aquatic animals.

  • When tritium is in excess inside a body, it becomes harmful due to its radioactivity.

  • This super heavy water is not harmful when it comes in contact with living organisms in trace amounts.

  • But ingestion, inhalation, or absorption of tritiated water in high amounts leads to poisoning.

  • The beta particles from tritium or tritiated water are incapable of penetrating the skin. Thus, they are less dangerous from the outside.

  • The prolonged consumption of tritiated water is harmful because the body does not flush out tritiated water completely within days, any less than 30 days, and tritium is prone to bioaccumulation in the organism.

  • The pure form of tritiated water is prone to self-radiolysis. Thus, pure form is dangerous to handle.

  • Tritium affects molecular DNA by altering the genetic makeup of the organism. It is the most common effect of exposure to radioactive substances.

  • Tritiated water present in a living organism is excreted out from the body in around one month. It is too soon for the tritium atoms in the tritiated water to decompose. 

  • Tritium is also expelled into the atmosphere due to leakages in nuclear power plants, nuclear bombing and testing, nuclear attacks, etc.

  • Apart from the earth’s activities, cosmic rays also contribute to the presence of tritium on Earth.

  • It is easily released from nuclear power plants in case of natural disasters like tsunamis or earthquakes.

Tritiated water (T2O) importance 

Though harmful in high amounts, tritiated water is safe to use in traces. It holds a crucial place in many research experiments and studies.


  • Since it contains a radio-isotope, it is used as a tracer.

  • When a known quantity of tritiated water is allowed to mix with an animal body, it facilitates calculations on body water volume.

  • Samples of body fluids are subjected to radioactivity methods to find out the concentration of tritiated water, which is proportional to the normal body water volume.

  • The formula to measure the body water volume is 

The volume of body water = [Amount of tritiated water (mg) − Amount excreted (mg)] /  The concentration of tritiated water (mg/ml)

  • It is measured with instruments like a Scintillation counter.

  • In the same way, it helps measure the milk and feed intake of livestock.

Nuclear bombs

  • Tritium is used in nuclear bombs.

  • It is the triggering material for thermonuclear bombs.


Tritiated water (T2O) notes explained the adverse effects of radioactive tritium in a living body and Tritiated water’s (T2O) importance. Tritium is replaced with hydrogen, that is, protium in the water molecule, to prepare Tritiated water (T2O). Tritium has one proton but two neutrons, which makes it a little unstable isotope of hydrogen. Tritiated water is not harmful to live tissues when ingested or inhaled in trace amounts. Our body tends to flush out tritiated water within a month. But, continuous consumption of tritiated water is not advisable since the body will be prone to the bioaccumulation of tritium.


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