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The Pauli Exclusion Principle

The Pauli Exclusion Principle is a quantum mechanical concept that asserts that two or more similar fermions inside a quantum system cannot hold the same quantum state at the same time.


Pauli’s Exclusion principle fundamentally enables us to comprehend the electron configurations in atoms and molecules, and it also explains the categorization of elements in the periodic table.

The Pauli Exclusion Principle asserts that in a single atom, no two electrons will have an exact copy of the same quantum numbers (n, l, ml, and ms) (n, l, ml, and ms). To express it in plain words, every electron would be in its distinctive state (singlet state). There are two prominent rules that the Pauli Exclusion Principle follows: 

  • Only two electrons may share the same orbital.
  • The two electrons that are there in the very same orbital must have opposing spins or they should be antiparallel.

However, Pauli’s Exclusion Principle does not simply apply to electrons. It applies to other elements of ½ spin, such as fermions. It is not significant for particles having an odd spin, such as bosons, which have asymmetric wave equations. Moreover, bosons can share and have the same quantum states, with exception of fermions. As far as the nomenclature goes, fermions are called after the Fermi–Dirac statistical distribution that they adopt. Bosons, on the other hand, bosons acquire their name from the Bose-Einstein distribution function.

The Pauli Exclusion Principle in Chemistry

In chemistry, the rule is largely used to describe or identify the electron shell structure of atoms and forecast which atoms are likely to give electrons. If we look at the atoms every time it obtains a new electron or electrons it typically travels to the lowest energy state or transfers to the outermost shell. If the state has one electron, then it may either be spin-up or spin down. Now, if we examine the Pauli exclusion principle when there are two electrons in a state, then each one of the electrons will have a spin-up or spin-down-state but not in the same.

Pauli Exclusion Principle Example

We may use a neutral helium atom as a popular Pauli Exclusion Principle example. The atom contains 2 bonded electrons, and they occupy the outer shells with opposing spins. Here, we will see that the two electrons are in the 1s subshell where n = 1, l = 0, and ml = 0.

Their spinning moments will also be unique. One will be Ms = -1/2 and the other will be +1/2. If we make a schematic, then the subshell of the helium atom will be shown with 1 “up” electron and 1 “down” electron. The 1s subshell will consist of two electrons that have opposing spins.

Similarly, if we take hydrogen, it will have 1s subshell with 1 “up” electron (1s1) (1s1). Lithium will contain the helium core (1s2) and then one additional “up” electron (2s1) (2s1).

Nuclear Stability and the Pauli Exclusion Principle

The nuclei of an atom consist of neutrons and protons, which are bound together by the nuclear force. However, protons tend to offset each other via electromagnetic force as a result of their positive ions. These two forces are acting against (competing with) one another, hence contributing to the stability of nuclei. Meanwhile, you will discover only specific sets or combinations of protons and neutrons that create stable nuclei. The nucleus is largely stabilized by the neutrons as attract one other and protons. This further helps offset the electrical repulsion between protons. When this happens, the amount of protons increases. In essence, a rising ratio of neutrons to protons is needed to generate a stable nucleus.

In case there is a higher number (neutrons also obey the Pauli Exclusion Principle) or too few neutrons for a given amount of protons, the nucleus of the atom is not stable. This will lead to radioactivity. Meanwhile, Pauli’s exclusion principle also influences the critical energy of fissile and fissionable nuclei. For example, if we look at actinides that have an odd neutron number, they are frequently fissile, or in other words, fissionable with slow neutrons. On the other hand, actinides that have even neutron numbers are typically not fissile, or we may say that are fissionable with fast neutrons. Similarly, owing to the Pauli Exclusion Principle, heavy nuclei with even protons and neutrons are particularly stable due to the presence of ‘paired spin’. Alternatively, nuclei with an odd number are unstable.

Importance and Applications of Pauli Exclusion Principle

The Pauli Exclusion Principle serves to explain a broad variety of physical phenomena, such as the electron shell structure of the atom and the way atoms share electrons. It assists in describing the various chemical elements and how they contribute to establishing chemical bonds. The periodic table may also be defined with the use of this idea.

Solid-state Properties: Many electrical, optical, magnetic, mechanical, and chemical characteristics of solids are the direct result of Pauli exclusion. The idea aids in characterizing the stability of huge systems with many electrons and numerous nucleons. Apart from chemistry, the concept is a basic principle in quantum mechanics, which is widely researched in physics. It is also used in astrophysics.


Electrons are part of atoms called fermions. Fermions are particles having a half-integer spin. All fermions, including neutrons and protons (derived particles), satisfy the Pauli Exclusion Principle. Pauli Exclusion Principle asserts that no two identical electrons (fermions) may have the same quantum state. Bosons, which have a numerical value of spin, do not follow the Pauli Exclusion Principle. Photons, gravitons, and gluons are also examples of bosons.