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Temperature Consideration

Refer to this guide to prepare for the topic of temperature consideration in detail. It will give you knowledge right from scratch.

While you are sick, you say that you have a fever. But how do you know that you have a fever? Which instrument confirms that you have a fever? You test it with a thermometer whenever you feel like having a fever. The thermometer gives the reading of the temperature of your body which indicates if you have a fever or not. All these things will be discussed in this article. You will also learn about different types of thermometers and their uses. So, stay glued to this article if you wish to gain knowledge. 

What is Temperature?

Temperature is the physical quantity that is the deciding factor of how hot or cold an object is? When you calculate the average kinetic energy of all the molecules or atoms of any substance, then the average kinetic energy is termed the temperature. But one thing is to be always kept in mind that the average kinetic energy of all the particles is always not zero. Everything depends upon kinetic energy when dealing with the temperature of an object. The temperature is depicted in three ways- Kelvin, Celcius, and Fahrenheit. You can interconvert the temperatures into the three units very easily. 

Interconversion of units of temperature

The one-step solution to interconvert the temperatures is provided in the following section. 

Temperature Conversion


Conversion from Celcius to Kelvin

K = C + 273.15

Conversion from Kelvin to Celsius

C = K − 273.15

Conversion from Fahrenheit to Celcius

C = (F − 32) × 5⁄9

Conversion from Celcius to Fahrenheit

F = C(9⁄5) + 32

Conversion from Fahrenheit to Kelvin

K = (F − 32) × 5⁄9 + 273.15

Conversion from Kelvin to Fahrenheit

F = (K – 273.15) × 9⁄5 + 32

In all of these formulas

K represents Kelvin scale

F represents Fahrenheit scale

C represents the Celcius scale

What is Kinetic Energy?

Now you must be confused and want to know what kinetic energy is? So let us understand the meaning of kinetic energy.

Kinetic energy is the energy generated due to the movement of particles in a medium. Whenever the particles are vibrating and moving from here and there, then there’s a generation of kinetic energy among the particles of the medium. 

Temperature and its importance

The importance of temperature lies almost everywhere, from the medical industry to existence to the food and beverages industry—the list of importance of temperature.

  • It is important to note the temperature for the storage of food items. Many foods start to rot if not kept in cool temperatures during summers. Foods kept outside the fridge for long hours start fermenting and become stale.

  • Temperature plays a vital role in storing drugs and medicines as they should be kept away from fire or hot places. Drugs start degrading if they’re kept under high temperatures and in places with high humidity. 

  • Some crops are only grown in winters or the summer season. Here, also temperature plays a vital role. Cauliflower is only found in winters because the cauliflower plant is adapted to grow only in winters. 

  • Temperature is also important for the existence of species on the planet earth. The best example of this is that dinosaurs got extinct due to a sudden decrease in temperature. In the same way, humans are adapted to live at a specific temperature. Any further increase or decrease in the temperature would lead to the extinction of humans on earth. 


This article discusses temperature and the various units of temperature. It also helps to let you know about the interconversion of the temperatures between different units. With this, you will also learn about the particle’s kinetic energy. Also, learn about the importance of temperature in our daily life to incorporate it into your lifestyle.


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