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SN2 Reaction Mechanism

The nucleophilic substitution reaction of the leaving group (which is typically composed of halide groups or other electron-withdrawing groups) with a nucleophile in a particular organic molecule is the mechanism of the SN2 reaction.

The letters S stands for substitutionand the letter N stands for nucleophilic, and 2 refers to bimolecular in the word SN2. As a result, nucleophilic substitution reactions (SN2) are occurring. Among the most important substitution reactions in organic chemistry are those involving thiols. Before you can comprehend the SN2 reaction and its mechanism, you must first understand the meaning of terminology such as nucleophile, electrophile, and leaving group. So, let’s start by getting a better understanding of these phrases.


Nucleophiles are organisms that are negatively charged or neutral and have a high concentration of electrons. It has the ability to give a pair of electrons. Nucleophiles target organisms that are positively charged.

Nucleophiles are found in a variety of forms.

  • Nucleophiles with a neutral charge-

Ammonia (NH3), water (H2O), carboxylic acid (RCOOH), and other substances are used.

  • Nucleophiles with negative charges include bromide (Br-), iodide (I-), chloride (Cl-), and others.


An electrophile is a creature that is lacking in electrons. It has the ability to accept a pair of electrons. It is a species that is normally positively charged.

Electrophiles are exemplified by

The ions are hydronium ions (H+), nitrosonium ions (NO+), and so on.

Leaving Group

In heterolytic bond cleavage, a leaving group is an anion or neutral molecular fragment that departs with a pair of electrons after the bond has been cleaved. These can have a neutral charge, a negative charge, or a positive charge.

Exemplifications of leaving groups include Cl-, water, H+, and so on.

SN2 Reaction chemical reaction.

Because two reactants are engaged in the rate-determining phase of this type of nucleophilic substitution reaction, it is referred to as a bimolecular reaction. The rate-determining phase in the reaction is the slowest step in the process. The addition of nucleophiles happens in conjunction with the detachment of a leaving group in these reactions. The rate of reaction for the SN2 reaction can be represented as follows:

R = NuR₁−LGR₁-LG 

Where Nu denotes the nucleophile, R1 denotes the alkyl group or the group linked to the leaving group, and LG denotes the leaving group

Because the nucleophile can be either negatively charged or neutral, we will show instances of SN2 reactions with both negatively charged and neutral nucleophiles in this section.

What is the mechanism of the SN2 Reaction?

The SN2 reaction mechanism consists of a single step and nothing more. To begin, a nucleophile attacks an electrophile or a partly positively charged element that has been linked to the departing group. At the same time, the departing group begins to dissociate from electrophiles or positively charged substances in the environment.

Because the reaction consists of a single step, it is also the rate-determining step and has a single transition state.

Now, let’s look at an example of an SN2 reaction to better understand the mechanism: bromide (the nucleophile, Br-) attacks ethyl chloride (the electrophile), resulting in the formation of ethyl bromide and chloride ions as products.

Exemplifications of SN2 Reactions

  • This is the result of the interaction between 2-bromobutane and OH- (nucleophile from KOH)
  • It is the reaction between methyl chloride and the nucleophile OH that is being discussed.
  • The reaction between methyl chloride and bromide ion is known as the methyl chloride-bromide reaction.
  • The reaction between benzyl bromide and sodium cyanide is a chemical reaction.

SN2 Reactions: Stereochemistry and Mechanisms

It is common for the substrate’s conformation to be completely reversed in most SN2 reactions, as shown in the figure below. SN2 reactions are completed when a nucleophile approaches the substrate from the side or backside of the leaving group that is connected to the substrate, resulting in the formation of an inverted product. Walden inversion is the term used to describe this process.

Factors Influencing the SN2 Reaction

The SN2 reaction mechanism will be used to carry out the reaction with strong nucleophiles. However, a weak nucleophile will continue by the SN1 reaction pathway, which is described below.

If the carbocation is unstable, the reaction is designated as SN2, and if the carbocation is stable, the reaction is designated as SN1.

As previously said, less substituted systems are more favorable for SN2 reactions. This indicates that if the central carbon is attached to a smaller group or element such as H, it will favour the SN2 reaction mechanism more than carbon coupled to larger groups such as CH3CH2 and so on.


There are some frequent misconceptions about chemical reactions that students have when it comes to their comprehension of them. Some of them are as follows:

Students frequently mistake chemical reactions because they do not grasp that a chemical reaction might result in a combination of products, which they do not understand. The same reaction can produce or follow the SN1 mechanism as well as the SN2 mechanism depending on the other components involved in the reaction.

Even SN1 reactions have been shown to produce a stereochemical mixture under practical conditions, owing to the planar nature of the carbocation intermediate and the fact that nucleophile assault can occur from both above and below the plane.

Temperature (in non-biological mediums) and the concentration of either the substrate or the nucleophile both influence the rate at which an SN2 reaction takes place. At the same time, a very high temperature will completely affect the operation of the mechanism. It is discovered that an elimination reaction occurs instead of the desired SN2.

Finally, as a precautionary measure, students should use caution in determining how and where the arrow of the advancing reaction is put. Chemical conventions place a high value on this.


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