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Silicon Tetrachloride, Silicates, Zeolites, and Silicones

Zeolites and silicones are basically types of microporous. Formation of this type of microporous happens with the help of three-dimensional crystalline solids of aluminum silicate. A small opening side is fixed in zeolites. From this opening side, small molecules enter through it easily. But large molecules can not banter from this opening side. This is the reason sometimes we call them molecular sieves. So, read this chapter to learn about zeolites and silicones. 

What are zeolites? 

As discussed earlier, we know that zeolites are generally a type of micropores; this structure forms with the three-dimensional crystalline solids of aluminum silicate, and a small opening can be found in zeolites and it allows small molecules to pass through it. It also obstructs large molecules. That’s why we call them molecular sieves.

Term zeolites were first introduced in the year 1756 by Dr. Axel Fredrik Cronstedt, a Swedish mineralogist. This was first noticed when, during heating, it was observed as the stilbite.The reason behind this steam is that the material absorbs water earlier before this heating process. After witnessing this process he termed it as zeolites. This is how the nomenclature of zeolites was first formed. This word is a Greek word and its meaning is boiling of a stone.

What are the types of zeolites? 

Generally, zeolites are formed naturally but can be produced through a chemical process. Nowadays, fifty types of zeolites can be found in the world, among them, a few common  zeolites are as follows: 

  •       Na2K2CaMg(AlO2)2(SiO2)2.6H2O known as Erionite.
  •   Na2Ca(AlO2)2(SiO2)4.6H2O is called Gemeinte.
  •   Hx[(AlO2)x(SiO2)96-x].16H2O also known as ZSM-5

 Chemical composition of  zeolites 

In general, all zeolites are mainly developed with the help of an aluminosilicate framework. Where silicon and aluminum are mainly tetrahedrally coordinated, it is also enclosed by four oxygen anions (O2-).  Structure of tetrahedral Sio44- and AI045- that helps to build blocks for zeolites. 

 The Zeolites formula is Mx/n[AlO2]x.(SiO2)y.mH2O. Researchers and scientists have found different chemical elements in their composition. Formula developed for this microporous-like a ratio. 

  •   (M) denotes any metal that has the property of magnesium, sodium, potassium, lithium, or calcium. 
  •   (n) denotes the valence bond in the metal cation part.
  •   (Y) denotes the water particle that has been absorbed by the metal.
  •   (Y/X) denotes the atomic Si/Al ratio. 

The crystalline properties of zeolites are different from other types of crystalline solids. Zeolites are a special type of crystalline solid and it have a strong characteristic framework structure with cavities occupied by water molecules and ions

What is silicon? 

It is basically a type of polymer and silicons are also known as polysiloxanes. These are the types of polymers that are involved with any kind of inert, synthetic compound that is developed with the initiative units of siloxane. It is a type of chain built with oxygen and silicon atoms. This chain is frequently combined with hydrogen and carbon atoms.

 Silicon is one of the most important particles, silicon is used in various electronic equipment. Silicon family works in a diverse field of high performance that also includes silicone polymers, silicone fluids, and reactive silanes. Application of this material you will find in the medical, engineering, and transportation sectors also.

What is the structure and unit of silicates? 

The structure and the unit of silicates are SiO4-4.  It is a type of mineral that mainly contains silicon and oxygen in tetrahedral form 4-4 unit. These things are linked together in several patterns. It mainly depends on the tetrahedral units that are linked. Silicates are mainly divided into a few forms that are as follows: 

  1. Orthosilicates Or you can say Nesosilicates
  2. Pyro silicate we also called it Sorosilicates
  3. Cyclic silicates or it is known as Ring silicates
  4. Chain silicates and it can also be called pyroxenes
  5. Double chain silicate or you can say amphiboles 

These are the few silicate materials that are obtained whenever the oxygen atoms and silicon atoms are mixed. These are also called abundant elements. These silicate minerals are ready to react with any weak acid. This mineral can be considered the most common mineral found in the earth’s crust.

What is silicon tetrachloride? 

Silicon tetrachloride (SiCl4) is a type of inorganic compound. Its structure is like the crystal and it is similar to carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) silicon tetrachloride or (SiCl4) can easily synthesize with the chlorination of the silicon compounds. Examples of silicon compounds are (Mg2Si, SiC, SiO2/C) 

Silicon tetrachloride is used in various activities as follows: 

  •   It helps in the preparation of highly purified silicon. High purified silicon is mainly derived from silicon tetrachloride, its major application can be found in the semiconductor industry.
  •   It also helps to delaminate zeolites and mordenite.
  •   Acts like a coupling agent for the synthesis of carboxylic acid and an amide.


Zeolites are one of the most vital chapters for the students who read in class 12 science. This type of mineral has various uses mainly in the industrial field. The main ability of this microporous is to absorb a variety of materials in it. This microporous material helps in drying purposes and it helps in purification and separation of mineral purpose and it is easily soluble in water. They can also be separated from an aqueous solution of detergent by using filtering.