Real Gases

There are many differences between ideal and real gases. Use this study material notes on real gases to guide you in understanding real gases.

A real gas will not behave like an ideal gas (molecules have no volume and do not interact) due to interactions between their gas molecules. Real gases are non-ideal gases with molecules that occupy space and interact between themselves, and thus do not obey the ideal gas law. The ideal gas law does not apply to actual gases because of such intermolecular interactions of gas particles. As a result, a real gas may be defined as a non-ideal gas having molecules that occupy a certain amount of space and can interact with others.

As per the Kinetic molecular theory:

  • Between gas molecules, forces of attraction do not exist.

  • As compared to the entire volume of the gas, the actual quantities of the gas particles are insignificant.

It is difficult to liquefy gases if there are no forces of attraction. However, gases can be liquefied by lowering the temperature and raising the pressure. Colder air at normal pressure acts like an ideal gas because raising its temperature or pressure increases the interconnections among molecules, resulting in actual gas behaviour that the ideal gas law cannot explain.

Ideal gases contain no attraction or repulsive interactions between particles, but real gases do. Ideal gases do not have a volume, but real gas molecules do.

Deviation From Ideal Gas To Real Gas

An ideal gas upholds all gas laws under all pressure and temperature circumstances. Condensation does not occur in ideal gases. They do not have a triple point either. The mass and velocity of ideal gases are both present. 

The temperature at which a real gas behaves as an ideal gas across a vast pressure range is known as the Boyle temperature or Boyle point. The Compressibility factor can be used to determine how much a real gas detracts from ideal behaviour.

Negative deviation has the following effect:

1) For ideal gases the equation is Z =1, and PV =nRT

2) For real gases,  the equation is  Z≠ 1, and PV ≠ nRT

When Z<1, the gas is said to be deviating negatively. This indicates that the gas is easier to compress than perfect behaviour would suggest. Z is extremely close to 1 at ordinary pressure, implying that the departure from ideal behaviour is sufficiently minimal that the ideal gas principles may be used.

Real Gas Law

The ideal gas law was amended by Dutch scientist Johannes van der Waals to describe the behaviour of real gases by explicitly incorporating the effects of molecule size and intermolecular interactions. Below is the Van der Waal real gas equation:

Real Gas = (P+an2)V2=(V−nb)nRT


  • a and b are the empirical constant. They are unique for each gas
  • n2V2 is the gas concentration. 
  • R is the universal gas constant 
  • P is the pressure, and 
  • T is temperature

Factors Considered while Dealing with Real Gases

Several elements must be examined to comprehend how actual gases behave. The following are the many factors that must be taken into account while working with real gases.

  • Compressibility is one of the major factors that must be considered while dealing with real gases.
  • The contact among molecules in a real gas is influenced by Van der Waals forces.
  • The specific heat capacity of various real gases varies.
  • The possibility of non-equilibrium thermodynamic effects in the system.
  • The gas’s diverse makeup and changes in composition due to molecular dissociation, and any fundamental processes that could transpire.

Are All Ideal Gases Real Gases? 

Practically every gas may behave in both ideal and real-world situations. Most gases are proven to behave almost ideally when the circumstances are near to ideal. When the temperature of a gas is elevated to an exceptionally high value, the pressure on the gas is raised to an extremely high value, or the temperature and the pressure affiliated with the gas are increased to ultrahigh values, most gases depart from ideal behaviour and become actual gases.

What Gases are Real Gases?

When subjected to high temperatures and/or pressures, practically all gases depart from ideal behaviour, indicating that they are actual gases. As a result, below are five different real-life instances of gases:

  • Carbon Dioxide
  • Nitrogen
  • Oxygen
  • Hydrogen
  • Helium

Although all ideal gases should satisfy the ideal gas equation, real gases defy them. Furthermore, whereas an ideal gas should satisfy all gas laws throughout all conditions, a real gas can not do so in some cases, but it is relatively extreme. It’s also important to note that real gases tend to liquefy when lowered to temperatures under their boiling points.

Behaviour of Real Gases by Van Der Waals Equation 

  • When the pressure is low

V is quite large at very low pressures. As a result, the a/V correction term is so minimal that it may be ignored. In comparison to V, the correction component b can also be ignored. As a result, the van der Waals equation is reduced to PV = RT. 

  • When the pressure is moderate

V drops with moderate pressure. As a result, a / V grows and cannot be ignored. Because V is still huge enough in contrast to b, b may be ignored. 

As a result, the van der Waals equation is (P + a/V) V = RT 

PV / RT = 1 – (a / RTV).

The factor of compressibility is less than one. V drops when pressure is raised at a constant temperature, increasing the factor a/RTV.

  • When the pressure is high

V is so minimal at high pressure that we cannot overlook b as compared to V. The factor a / V is unquestionably large, but because P is so high, it may be ignored concerning P.

As a result, the van der Waals equation is reduced to P (V – b) =RT. The compressibility factor exceeds one. The factor Pb/RT rises as pressure is raised. With increasing pressure, the compressibility factor rises.

  • When the temperature is high

V becomes so large at high temperatures both correction factors become insignificant. As a result, real gases function like actual gases at high temperatures.


Everything in our environment is referred to as matter. It could be the food we consume, our vehicles, our electronics, the products we use daily, the air we inhale, or the water we sip. It’s worth noting that the conduct of a real gas is virtually identical to that of an ideal gas in most circumstances. It is vital to remember, however, that when a gas is nearing its condensation point, it must be treated as a real gas.


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