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Reaction with Hydrochloric Acid

The strong hydrogen chloride chemical is used in fertilizers, textiles, etc. This write-up will guide you about the concept and reaction of hydrochloric acid

An emulsion of gas in water (H2O) is known as Hydrochloric acid. It is obtained from hydrogen gas (H2) and chlorine (Cl2) at a temperature of more than 250C. Although, the Hydrogen chloride chemical in reaction with hydrochloric acid responds harshly with metals, leading to the formation of highly flammable hydrogen gas. Sometimes, these experiments result in hazard explosions. Any student aspiring for their entrance examination should perform such experiments with utmost concentration and professional vision. Often the oxidizers in reaction with hydrochloric acid assemble bromine or chlorine gasses. The oxidizers include chlorites, hypochlorites, chlorates, and permanganates. 

What is Hydrochloric acid?

Hydrochloric acid is a fluxional emulsion of hydrogen chloride (HCL) present in gastric juice. It was generated from the warm gasses of volcanoes, often found in Mexico and South America. The dilute hydrochloric acid can often be seen in the digestive tract of some specific mammals and humans. It is also known as muriatic acid, now obtained from hydrogen compounds carrying pungent smell and colorless textures. Today, acid is an essential part of laboratories experiment, owing to its wide applications. 

What are the uses of hydrochloric acids?

Hydrochloric acid is essential in various industrial areas such as electroplating sectors, dyes manufacturers, fertilizers, chlorides, textiles, rubber industry, photographic regions, etc. It is helpful in- 

  • Oil Production 
  • Purification of Salt
  • Removal of metal stains
  • In the production of organic compounds 
  • Production of inorganic compounds 

Hydrochloric acid’s role in the human body – 

Hydrochloric acid is produced from the stomach as part of the natural process. It helps the digestive system by acidifying the stomach contents present inside the body. 

What are the reactions of hydrochloric acid?

The reaction of hydrochloric acid with water, sugar and other elements has shown positive results. Any students aspiring for IIT-JEE mains can try out these experiments for their preparation under professional vision. The write-up mentions three significant reactions of hydrochloric acid. They are 

  1. Hydrochloric acid reaction with water 
  2. Hydrochloric acid reaction with iron
  3. Hydrochloric acid reaction with zinc 
  • Reaction of hydrochloric acid with water

Hydrochloric acid and water (H2O) reaction results are based on the temperatures. In an exothermic reaction, the chemical reaction temperature increases as the mixture’s energy is released. On the other hand, under endothermic reaction, the temperature falls owing to the energy absorption element in the process. 

Since hydrochloric acid (HCl) is a solid chemical compound, the addition of water in HCL will detach hydrogen and chloride ions by the method. 

Although hydrogen ions speedily react with electronegative items, it tends to obtain hydrogen bonds with hydrogen ions. The reason is the availability of an electronegative atom in oxygen present in water. 

Thus, when HCl (hydrochloric acid) terminates in H2O (water), the hydrogen ions bond with oxygen atoms. Henceforth, the addition of water in the reaction of hydrochloric acid releases a large amount of energy; the energy then issues heat resulting in high temperature from the solution. 

  • The reaction of hydrochloric acid with iron

The reaction of hydrochloric acid with iron is also known as a single displacement reaction. In this reaction, the iron replaces hydrogen from HCL to obtain its final product. Although, the addition of dilute hydrochloric acid in iron results in the release of hydrogen gas and salt simultaneously.

 Now, as the iron supplants hydrogen gas from hydrochloric acid to generate hydrogen gas and iron chloride, below is the equation that forms after the experiment. 


In the same way, when HCL reacts with iron, it releases bubbles in the experiment, and the process is called an exothermic reaction. 

When an acid reacts with metals, hydrogen gas evolves into bubbles, and the reaction is exothermic. Therefore, the reaction of hydrochloric acid with iron forms iron chloride in the procedure. 

  • The reaction of sulfuric acid with zinc

The electrochemical process of zinc (Zn) in the reaction of hydrochloric acid tends to obtain salt with chlorine. It is done by displacing hydrogen from hydrochloric acid in the process. The equation that forms in the procedure will be – 

Zn +2 HCl→ZnCl2+ H2(g)

The above shows that the active metal Zinc (Zn) forms a reaction with hydrochloric acid to obtain hydrogen gas and metal chloride from the composition. From the above reaction, the amount of hydrogen reduces from cation in constituent form. On the other hand, Zn oxidizes from constituent form to cation. Eventually, the reaction of hydrochloric acid with zinc is called a single displacement reaction. Thus, zinc supplants hydrogen to generate hydrogen gas and zinc chloride from the reaction. The experiment often brings out gas bubbles and high temperatures due to the experiment’s physical changes. 


The chemical reaction of hydrochloric acid with various other compounds is an exothermic process and thus requires deep concentration. Thus, the reaction of HCL with water, zinc, and iron easily forms derived results. The experiment then is helpful in the purification of common salt, manufacture of aqua regia, production of plastic, etc. All the industries involved in the process conduct such experiments in their workspace. As the chemical compound is of great importance, the hydrogen and chlorine compound ratio avails at several places. It includes reagent grades, food processing, etc. 


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