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Physical Properties of Actinides

Do you know what the physical properties of actinides are? Here is a complete elucidation of it.

The chemistry world has a periodic table with various chemical elements. One of the integral parts of the periodic table is the actinides. Actinides are the chemical elements introduced in 1945, and since then, 15 chemical elements have been classified under this element. The various properties of actinides distinguish them. 

In this article, we will understand the specific properties of actinides. We will also look into the examples of the properties of actinides and the potential questions regarding the properties of actinides.

What Are Actinides in Chemistry?

Actinides are the set of 15 elements found in the periodic table, beginning with actinium and ending with lawrencium. The actinides are placed according to the increasing atomic number in the periodic table. The actinides number starts from 90 and continues till 103.

The actinides series are highly infused with radioactivity in nature. They release a vast amount of energy when radioactive decay occurs. Even though actinides are majorly artificial elements, there are certain exceptions where they are natural. For instance, actinides Uranium and Thorium are excavated from the earth, and actinides like Plutonium are synthesised in the laboratory. 

Actinides are located along with the lanthanides in two different rows in the modern periodic table. The entire list of 15 actinides include:

  • Actinium (Ac)
  • Thorium (Th)
  • Protactinium (Pa)
  • Uranium (U)
  • Neptunium (Np)
  • Plutonium Pu
  • Americium (Am)
  • Curium (Cm)
  • Berkelium (Bk)
  • Californium (Cf)
  • Einsteinium (Es)
  • Fermium (Fm)
  • Mendelevium (Md)
  • Nobelium (No)

Physical Properties of Actinides

The physical properties of the actinides distinguish them from all the other chemical elements in the periodic table. These features also indicate how reactive and usable the actinides can be. 

  • Actinides are silver in colour. Since there is one kind of metal, they are found in a silvery tone. 
  • One of the prominent properties of actinides is their malleability and ductility. Actinides can be spun in wires or beaten into metallic sheets. 
  • Actinides are radioactive, releasing high energy when placed in radioactive decay. 
  • Actinides possess high plasticity, meaning they can be reformed from the solid state without breakage. 
  • Actinides possess high density, weighing relatively higher than other metals.
  • Some actinides can also be soft enough to be cut through with knives. 
  • When exposed to the air, actinides take a short time to corrode or rust.

Apart from these, actinides also possess high electropositivity. 

These properties of actinides can be understood with examples. Below are examples of the properties of actinides. 

  • Uranium, which is an abundant actinide, is essential for the use of nuclear reactors.
  • Thorium is the most used industrial catalyst in various chemical industries. 
  • Actinides like uranium and thorium are also key users in fuel generation for nuclear power plants. 
  • Actinides have high utilisation in nuclear weapons and reactors, implying their radioactive nature. 
  • Actinide americium has a prominent usage in the development of modernised smoke detectors. 
  • Plutonium expands to the satellite formation, and it is used for various heat components in the satellites. 
  • The actinide neptunium’s isotopes are used to form various neutron detectors. 

Properties of Actinides Questions

Now, let us clarify some of your doubts by answering the questions related to the properties of actinides.

What are actinides in chemistry?

Actinides are the set of 15 chemical elements or metals added to the periodic table. They are all mentioned at the end of the modern periodic table and the lanthanides. These actinides have specific features that distinguish them from other elements. They are electropositive, radioactive and have rustic properties when kept in the air.  

What are the properties of actinides?

Various actinides’ properties differentiate them from the other metals in the periodic table. These properties are in terms of their physicality and their uses. 

Actinides are silver in tone and usually soft. They are malleable and ductile. Actinides are electropositive, and they radiate immense amounts of energy during radioactive decay. 

Other than the physical properties, the actinides change into gas when diluted with acids. These actinides can be highly positive in charge and react strongly in any chemical reaction. 

What is the ductility of actinides?

Actinides are highly ductile. Since actinides are also soft, they can be spun into metal rings. Ductility is the feature of actinides, where they can be changed easily into metal rings. Along with this, actinides can also be beaten easily into sheets. 

Why are actinides soft?

Actinides are soft because they are also metal. One essential feature of metals is that they are soft. Therefore, the actinides are also soft. Some actinides are so soft that you can cut them with knives.  

What is the plasticity of actinides?

Plasticity refers to the metal’s ability to be shaped in different forms without any breakage. Actinides are highly plastic, meaning they can be shaped in various forms without rupturing. If beaten or spurned, actinides can easily take from one form to another. 

These are some properties of actinides questions. The above questions give an insight into the physical properties of actinides and others. 


There are various properties of actinides. When understanding what actinides in chemistry are, it is understanding of its distinct features . Actinides are 15 chemical elements characterised differently and mentioned in the periodic table. The separate column of actinides elucidates on physical properties of actinides. 

The physical properties of actinides can be interpreted better in light of the examples. There are properties of actinides examples to understand better. There are answers to the properties of actinides questions that can be asked commonly by entities.


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