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Periodic Table Elements

It's a chemistry icon that's often used in chemistry, physics, and other sciences. It's a visual illustration of the periodic law, which states that chemical elements' properties are correlated with their atomic numbers in a predictable way.

Dmitri Mendeleev, a Russian chemist who formulated the periodic law as a link between chemical properties and atomic mass, drew the first well recognised periodic chart in 1869. Because not all elements were known at the time, Mendeleev’s periodic table included gaps, but he was able to predict qualities of some of the missing elements using the periodic law.The periodic law was acknowledged as a fundamental discovery in the late nineteenth century, and it was explained with the discovery of the atomic number and early twentieth-century quantum mechanics work that illuminated the atom’s interior structure. Modern chemistry is no longer complete without the periodic table and its laws. 

Periodic table explanation

It is a method of arranging known and generated elements in increasing atomic number order. It’s also set up in such a way that items with similar attributes are grouped together.In other words, you can identify which elements will react similarly and which will react dramatically differently at a glance.For each element, the periodic table usually provides the following information.The number of protons located in the nucleus of an atom is known as the atomic number.The total weight of the protons, neutrons, and electrons in a specific atom is known as the atomic mass.

If the element has isotopes, this can change, hence the atomic mass listed on the periodic table is an average of those fluctuating weights. (Those bracketed atomic masses usually indicate that the number is an approximation.These bracketed elements are either extremely unstable or have only recently been found.)

The element’s chemical symbol, which is a one- or two-letter designation used by scientists. This code is used all around the world to break down language barriers when talking about chemical substances. Some are obvious, such as O for Oxygen, while others, such as Pb for Lead, are less so. This is due to the fact that the symbol is usually based on the element’s Latin name, which in the case of lead is plumbum.When referring to an element in a chemical or equation, chemists use its symbol, therefore it’s crucial to know.

The element’s atomic number and atomic mass grow as you move from left to right on the table. As you move down the periodic table, the same holds true.

Periodic table trends

Atomic radius

Because the nuclear charge increases while the outside electrons remain in the same shell, atomic radii decrease from left to right along the main-group elements. The radii normally grow as you travel down a column, because the outermost electrons are in higher shells and hence further away from the nucleus.

Although an inner shell is filling in the transition elements, the size of the atom is still dictated by the outside electrons. The higher nuclear charge across the series, as well as the increased number of inner electrons for shielding, partially offset each other, resulting in a smaller decrease in radius. The 4p and 5d atoms are smaller than expected because they appear right after new sorts of transition series are introduced.

Ionization energy

The energy required to remove an electron from an atom is its first ionization energy. Ionization energy increases left to right and down to up as the atomic radius decreases, since electrons closer to the nucleus are bound more securely and thus more difficult to release. Ionization energy is thus lowest at the initial element of each period – hydrogen and alkali metals – and grows steadily until it reaches the noble gas at the period’s right edge. There are few exceptions to this tendency, such as oxygen, where the electron being removed is paired, making it easier to remove than expected due to interelectronic repulsion.

Electron affinity

The electron affinity, which is the energy produced when an electron is added to an atom, is the polar opposite of ionization energy. A passing electron will be more easily drawn to an atom if it senses the nucleus’s attraction more strongly, especially if there is a partially filled outer orbital ready to accommodate it. As a result, electron affinity tends to increase from left to right and from down to up. The noble gasses, which have a full shell and no room for another electron, are the exception in the last column. The halogens in the next-to-last column have the highest electron affinities as a result of this.Noble gasses, for example, have no electron affinity and so cannot form stable gas-phase anions. Due to their large ionization energies and lack of electron affinity, noble gasses have little tendency to absorb or lose electrons and are generally unreactive.Fluorine, for example, is less reactive than chlorine but has a lower electron affinity.


Electronegativity is another significant feature of elements. Atoms can create covalent bonds by sharing electrons in pairs, resulting in a valence orbital overlap. The degree to which each atom draws the shared electron pair is determined by its electronegativity, or tendency to gain or lose electrons. The electron pair will be drawn to the more electronegative (or more electropositive) atom, whereas the less electronegative (or more electropositive) atom will be drawn to it less. Though this is a simplification, the electron might be thought of as having crossed fully from the more electropositive atom to the more electronegative one in extreme instances.Electronegativity is determined by how strongly the nucleus can attract an electron pair, and it follows the same pattern as the other qualities covered thus far: electronegativity tends to decrease as one moves up and down, and to increase as one moves left to right. The most electropositive elements are alkali and alkaline earth metals, while the most electronegative elements are chalcogens, halogens, and noble gasses.


The more electropositive atoms, on the other hand, tend to lose electrons, generating an “electronic sea” that engulfs cations. One atom’s outer orbitals overlap to share electrons with all of its neighbors, forming a massive structure of molecular orbitals that extends all over the structure. This negatively charged “sea” attracts all of the ions and holds them in a metallic connection. Metals are elements that form such bonds, whereas nonmetals are elements that do not. Allotropes refer to the fact that some elements can combine to generate many simple compounds with distinct structures. Diamond and graphite, for example, are two allotropes of carbon.


With the advancement of science, the periodic table continues to change. Only elements up to atomic number 94 occur in nature; to proceed farther, new elements have to be synthesized in the laboratory. The first 118 elements are now known, completing the first seven rows of the table, but chemical characterization of the heaviest elements is still required to ensure that their properties correspond to their placements. It’s unclear how far the table will extend beyond these seven rows, or whether the patterns from the known part of the table will persist into this uncharted territory.


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