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Pauli’s Exclusion Principle

Example of Pauli's exclusion principle, Application, and importance of Pauli's exclusion principle, Formulation of Pauli's exclusion principle

Pauli’s rule says that no two fermions (particles with half-integer spin) of the same kind may have the identical quantum state at the same time, as stated by Wolfgang Pauli, an Austrian physicist, in 1925. In more technical terms, it means that the entire wave function of two identical fermions is antisymmetric when the particles are exchanged. For example, no two electrons in the same atom possess the similar four quantum numbers; if n, l, and ml are all the same, ms must be distinct, causing the electrons to spin in opposite directions. The Pauli exclusion principle states that no two electrons in an atom may be in the same state or configuration at the same time.

Pauli’s Exclusion Principle in Chemistry

All fermions are subject to Pauli’s exclusion principle, but bosons (particles with integer spin) are not. Quarks (the component particles of protons and neutrons), electrons, and neutrinos are all examples of fermions. Protons and neutrons (subatomic particles made up of three quarks) as well as some atoms are fermions and hence subject to the Pauli exclusion principle.

Atoms can have varying overall spins, which determines whether they are fermions or bosons. For example, helium-3 has spin 1/2 and is thus a fermion, whereas helium-4 has spin 0 and is, therefore, a boson. As a result, the Pauli exclusion principle supports a variety of aspects of common matter, including large-scale stability and atomic chemical behaviour, as well as their visibility in NMR spectroscopy.

Applications of Pauli’s exclusion principle

  1. In a solid, no two electrons can have the same energy state. This will aid our understanding of Fermi levels in solid-state band theory.
  2. No two electrons in an atom can have the same quantum number, which allows us to mimic the periodic table grouping.
  3. The demise of stars to the white dwarf stage is governed by electron degeneracy.
  4. The demise of stars to the neutron star stage is governed by neutron degeneracy.

The exclusion principle and physical phenomena

Pauli’s rule is a fundamental principle that explains a wide range of physical phenomena. The elaborate electron-shell structure of atoms and the way atoms share electrons are two key consequences of the concept. It describes the various chemical elements as well as their chemical combinations. In an electrically neutral atom, the number of bound electrons equals the number of protons in the nucleus. Because fermions cannot share a quantum state, electrons must “stack” within an atom, having distinct spins when in the same location.

Each orbital can only have two electrons, according to the concept. The first three quantum numbers define an orbital, which is where this term comes from. There are only two conceivable values for the remaining quantum spin number. As a result, the orbital can only hold two electrons, according to the Pauli exclusion principle.

Fermions vs bosons

This rule is true for all fermions. A fermion is a half-integer spinning atomic particle. Electrons, protons, and neutrons are the most well-known fermions. As a result, the Pauli exclusion principle will apply to all of these particles.

A boson is an alternative to a fermion. Integer spins are found in bosons. A photon is the most common boson. A single energy state can include a large number of photons. They all have the same quantum number in one state. This is a breach of Pauli’s rule of exclusion. Photons do not follow the Pauli exclusion criterion because they are bosons.

Multiple-electron atoms

Except for hydrogen, all atoms have multiple electrons. The number of electrons in a neutral atom determines the physical and chemical properties of the element. The periodic table of the elements divides elements into columns based on their qualities. The number of electrons in a neutral atom, known as the atomic number Z is related to this systematic organisation.

Shells and subshells

Only hydrogen and helium can have all of their electrons in the n = 1 state due to Pauli’s exclusion principle. With three electrons, lithium (see periodic table) must have one in the n = 2 levels. As a result, the idea of shells and shell filling emerges. We go from hydrogen to helium, lithium, beryllium, boron, and so on as the number of electrons increases, and we discover that there are limits to the number of electrons for each value of n.

Because of the many combinations of l, ml, and ms that are feasible, greater values of the shell n correlate to higher energies and can enable more electrons. Because the outermost electrons interact the most with everything outside the atom, shells and the number of electrons in them affect the physical and chemical properties of atoms.



Pauli’s rule is a fundamental notion that aids our understanding of atomic structures and molecular arrangement.

No two electrons in an atom or molecule may have the same four electronic quantum numbers. Because an orbital can only hold two electrons at a time, the two electrons should possess contrasting spins. This indicates that if one electron is allocated to spin up (+1/2), the second electron must be assigned to spin down (-1/2).