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Oxoacids of Phosphorus

Want to know more about oxoacids of phosphorus? Here is a comprehensive article covering the study material notes on oxoacids of phosphorus!

Oxoacids of phosphorus are substances that contain phosphoric acid and oxygen. They are formed when phosphorus is oxidised by oxygen.

They can be found in natural sources, such as minerals and plants. However, the most common source for oxoacids is animal waste, which contains phosphates that are then oxidised by oxygen to produce oxoacids.

Oxoacids of phosphorus can also be found in fertilisers and insecticides. They are employed in agriculture to raise crop yields and promote plant health because they help plants develop. In phosphorus oxoacids, other atoms tetrahedrally surround the phosphorus atom. In general, these acids have no less than one P=O bond and one P–OH connection.

Additionally to the P=O and P–OH links, the phosphorus oxoacids have P–P or P–H bonds. The oxidation state of phosphorus is even less than +5 in these circumstances.

How Do You Express Oxoacids Of Phosphorus?

Oxoacids of phosphorus are essential intermediates in the synthesis of many vital compounds. They include phosphorous acid, phosphoric acid, hydrochloric acid and sulfuric acid.

Oxoacids of phosphorus are very reactive compounds with a high reactivity with water. This is one of the crucial things to keep in mind for your study material notes on oxoacids of phosphorus. They react with water to produce hydrogen and oxygen gases. The hydrogen gas reacts with atmospheric moisture to produce H2O molecules, while the oxygen gas reacts with atmospheric oxygen molecules to produce O2 molecules.

The ionisation of P-H bonds in oxoacids does not make H+ ions. In contrast, H atoms bonded to oxygen in P-OH form are ionisable. Hence, we can say that basicity is a property of H atoms in the presence of oxygen. 

Phosphorus acid, H3PO3, is dibasic because of the two P-OH connections. Similarly, 3 P-OH bonds make phosphoric acid, H3PO4, tribasic. Phosphorus oxoacids containing P-H bonds have a lot of reducing power. Hypophosphorous acid is a superb reducing agent since it possesses two P-H bonds.

4AgNO3 + 2H2O + H3PO2 → 4Ag + 4HNO3 + H3PO4

What Are The Types Of Oxoacids Of Phosphorus?

Oxoacids of phosphorus are compounds that contain a phosphorus atom and an oxygen atom. The hydrolysis of phosphoric acid usually forms them.

The most common oxoacids of phosphorus are phosphorus acid and phosphonic acid. Phosphorus acid is a potent oxidising agent with high reactivity. In contrast, phosphonic acid is not an oxidising agent but reacts with water to form hydroxyphosphonic acids and hydrogen peroxide.

This section will look at some of the most essential and well-known phosphorus oxoacids:

  • Hypophosphoric acid – H4P2O6
  • Metaphosphoric acid – HPO2
  • Pyrophosphoric acid – H4P2O7
  • Hypophosphorous acid – H3PO2
  • Phosphorous acid – H3PO3
  • Peroxophosphoric acid – H3PO5
  • Orthophosphoric acid – H3PO4

Why Should You Care About Oxoacids Of Phosphorus?

Oxoacids of phosphorus have significant applications in chemistry and biology. They can also be used in many other fields like materials science, analytical chemistry, and food science.

Also, they can be found in bacteria, fungi, plants and animals. The most common phosphate oxoacid is phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP).  

Phosphorus Oxoacid Profiles and Functions

Oxidising agents are compounds that release oxygen in the presence of hydrogen or other reducing agents. They can be used to oxidise a wide variety of chemical compounds, such as alcohols, carboxylic acids and phenols.

Oxide phosphorus is a compound composed of phosphorus and oxygen in different proportions. It is typically used as an oxidising agent in organic synthesis. You can also find it in food products like beer, wine and vinegar. You must understand the holistic use of phosphorus oxoacids for your oxoacids of phosphorus study material notes.

What Are The Uses Of Oxoacids Of Phosphorus?

Oxoacids of phosphorus are the most essential, widely used and versatile reagents in organic chemistry. The most important uses of these compounds include their use as oxidising agents in organic reactions, as a reducing agent to produce alcohols from carboxylic acids and esters, and to convert ketones into aldehydes.

Oxoacids of phosphorus are also used for the synthesis of amines and nitriles. They can also be used as dyes for the textile industry.

Among the many applications for phosphorus oxoacids, some are listed below:

  • As a replacement for sulphuric acid, phosphorus is used to make HI and HBr.
  • Act as the souring agent in the processing of making soft drinks. 
  • It’s utilised to produce sodium, ammonium, and potassium phosphate salts.
  • It’s a component of phosphatic fertiliser production.


In conclusion, phosphorus oxoacids have a great potential to be used in the future. Oxoacids of phosphorus are potent oxidising agents that can generate hydrogen peroxide from water and oxygen. They can also be used in the synthesis of organic compounds.

Oxoacids of phosphorus are a type of organic chemical compound composed of a phosphate group and an oxygen atom bound together by a carbon-oxygen double bond. There are two types of oxoacids: the orthophosphate ion (PO42-) and the pyrophosphate ion (OPO42-).

The phosphorus oxoacids can be found in many places, including soil, plants, animals, and humans. The oxoacids of phosphorus are also used as food additives.